

Pronounced Krota is a compilation of peoms not written anywhere on this blog, they have been selected and compiled over a year period.

 This is my last anthology, simple as that, It took a whole lot to write, and arrange, and it marks the end of my sojourn in to the tortous path of poetry, The anthology conatain mostly personal interpretation of the world around me and how i have been able to move through the nail biting poverty that is my reality in Nigeria, my definitonm of blackness and the limitationis it brings, After the 30 paged ordeal comes the Appendix which is a continuaton of Life According to to formulas And I apologize in advance if some of them dont align with the progressive nature of your thought or the sign of the times, I simply that you wait for me wherver up the path you are, For  I am still becoming, but for now this is my truth and howver flawed, skewed and misplaced it is, the whole of me resonates with the ignorance that have taught and led me here. To becoiming hard as Krota, the path that cannot be wished or washed away.

- Victor Samue

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