Give Up!


Give up!
To fight one’s self is to fight another
Is to fight nature
From the arms of one woman to another

it all knowledge and it’s debuff
Happy panoply of good intentions leading to hell
Go were the sails wind
Let your penis stand when tugged
Let it fall when shamed

Give up
There, lies only a plenary of maggots
You are the wall that make the building
You are to look and be smeared on

A well dug grave is supple sand
Rest in supple sand rather than grovel in mud
Cherish the river you bathe in
Verbatim verbatim verbatim
Honors are for fools within trekking distances

All get drowned out in a noise that thins out,
in a mind that forgets, a forget that dies,
whose death eventually gets forgotten 
by a soon to be forgotten
Where then is the anchor of your sacrifice and abnegation?

If the drop of sea water is never the same
Tide after tide
You are that tiny little microbe in a drop
Trying in futile vain to orchestrate the choir of the sea

(softly) Give up
Batter up and destroy
I know it sometimes chases in the dream
you run, but this time let the dog bite

Don’t be the domino that stands
You were pushed, push back
For even in your vestigial recovery
You are sized up for battle
By family friends and relatives 

No matter what, 
Never tether your kite to a hand 
Be in the view of all, never theirs 
Float majestically into oblivion 
Nobody is home 

Hearts are meant to be broken
This body is designed to give you pain
These are the pains that transcends you
Disturb those who disturbs you
Your sacrifice will never be written in stone
For a man can debase too

Give up and stop trying
Give up, hive up and jive up with us
Touch when you are touched

You own nothing You own no one
Like a mimosa, be eager and shy
Be shy For the cutlass is an iron finger
Trying to hold the mimosa

Everything is to be shared
Even the entirety of your mold
Is to be broken into smithereens
And thrown into the winds
You are nothing, You are so nothing

The touches and kiss are memories
But the memories aren’t yours to keep
Just to glance at and never hold
You are a means, A flugel horn
To be blown and disposed off
Without action you are corroding rust

Get done
Be eager to be touched
For nothing exist but the transiency of actions
Passing through without stop
Nothing ever stops to accumulate
Like a body in the river
You will never find a loyal drop
They will pass, lather and cascade
you can never hold or coerce them
You must remain afloat till you can’t

Plant beside the cover crop of shame and guilt 
Plant your love amidst the fear of disappointments
Even if you never harvest
Be glad to have seen seedlings sprout

Give up,
for night comes, regardless of
how well the sun shines 

-Victor Samuel
