The Pursuit Of Beauty; A Generalized Concept


Utsukushii !! – Koenji 

Beauty is the only visible good we can show, In a previous article where I talked about imbibing the beauty and gift of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, as human we Iposited a clean up after ourselves for we cannot claim to have goodness in us  if we don’t strive to be beautiful, or attain beauty in every of our endeavors, our houses and place of work, 
Now what is beauty, I saw from a quote that Beauty is rather a light in the heart than the flare of paints and glitter, It is that little swipe over the dusty table, that smudge over and lick to neatness that stems out of a conscience and a need to make perfect.
What does it mean to be be beautiful, or attain beautiful, For me, it means to do everything in simplistic candor and traveler’s aloofness, It implies taking into cognizance the very ephemeral nature of your existence and how to make it very simple, gentle and quiet.
Simplistic candor that stems from minimalism, gentle quietness and cultured calm must envelop you, when you wake, when you dress up, as you queue for the bus, inside the bus, in your place of work or business among your friends and family, in your design, in your conversation in every facet of your being. Not being loud, not drawing attention to your self, wearing less, dressing with very little all the while you are totally self conscious and intentional. 
Glaring before our eyes is the effect of what a maximalist consumption have done the planet, Knowing that Congo suffers for you to tweet or use an android phone, people in the sweat shops in China suffer for you to wear clothes will rethink your craving for material things and the need for braying capitalist consumption.
Travelers aloofness comes from the ingrained understanding that as one is born, one must die, and your life is your biggest campaign, what are campaigning for, how do you intend to achieve your goals what is your manifesto, what do you plan to lose in the process for as the Tao said, in the pursuit of gain, loss is found. Ask yourself, what do I a prospective corpse want with this, how will this stop me from dying, and see yourself let go of senseless strife, energy consuming arguments, debasing fights with people and wanton greed. 

Does this make me beautiful?

This is something I notice among the Turks, they are just as Muslim as the Afghans and Pakistan, but you seem in them a sense of beauty, gotten from education, gotten from a pursuit of beauty
In the movie Winter sleep, Aydin while complaining about his tenants said something that really moved me, You can eat your cherry from the nylon or go home and put it in a plate and eat it there He complained bitterly about how the tenants were treating their compounds.  It is not actually laziness but a lack of a concept of beauty. 
I will go back again to my favourite people ,the Japanese, and how with a people centered philosophy they are able to chase and redefine beauty again and again, not discounting but giving maximum entiretyhood to everything and everywhere 
This chase of beauty have made them among the most sought after country in the world, in the last World cup they started and normalized the picking of the trash in every stadium, and soon Senegal National team fans also joined them 
The thing about beauty is as long as it is seen and appreciated, we soon either want to be a part of it, or own it, So as a generalized concept, we can ask, Does this look beautiful?  Look at your house, look at your surrounding, look at those things you own, and look at how they feel beside, on or with you. 
To truly understand this concept, You need to take a look at those you consider rich among you in your society, really look at them from the toe up, chances are that they have calluses on their feet, with bleached skin and red legs,To their fat and protruded stomach, brown teeth and pterrigium filled eyes who have taken to drinking beer and having prostitutes as daily achievement
I am not saying that they might not be unaware of hygiene or other changes necessary for their well being, sometimes we are oblivious of certain thing until we become aware of them. But in contrast they might spot a gold watch of thousands, necklace of millions, cars of millions and in total view they look like haggard dressed monkeys going in and coming out a box. No sense of beauty whatsoever 
This is why the Japanese are obsessed with making things look cute with hello kitty cats and ribbons tied lunchboxes dressed with star and heart shaped vegetables for the ephemeral but ethereal food. The pursuit of beauty stems from a bastardization of a better place than the here, giving maximum credence to the present 

You have to be willing and eager to make it fine, to make it beautiful, in everything you are doing and this doesn’t stem from having more, but making do with that which is and tuning it to the best it can be. I’d rather drive a scooter in the country with my sunglasses and music and allowing the cool breeze hit my face than be in a car sweating and honking  in the city traffic complaining and cursing, This is what I mean by beauty, it is not expensive, but expansive. 
Be beautiful rather than herding one to the flawed societal perspective of what living is supposed to be, Chasing the little perfections other than the disgusting mediocrity that have plagued the Nigerian mentality for decades now.
The concept of beauty should be applied to everything we do with the question 
Is it beautiful enough It should be applied in the workplace and business, By striving to make it look cute, easy on the eye, Cool and Bohemian as aesthetics is all we can try to achieve in life before the inevitability of death 
So Minimalist living, white walls, simple clothing, less things, more traveling, small family, vegetation filled compounds, cats, and puppies, beauty beauty beauty. 
It comes from knowing how rich we really are, and trying to make best with what we have rather than hoarding on to things, let go, Travel more and live a life that is totally beautiful.

- Victor Samuel
