That’s really what life is, though it as been conspired against and destroyed so to speak with the myriad of devilish agents (religious conglomerates) that run amok droning us as slaves. And also as we distract ourselves with religion, junks and other stuff like gossips, regurgitating cants and noise all we are supposed to do is fuck each other and die, the rest is superficial.
This to me is the solution of all of life’s problem.
Imagine if Nigeria spent all the useless billions they have been spending on stupid white elephant projects building and rebuilding 3 months viable roads, unnecessary flyovers and buying private jets, in the building of a railway system that cuts across the whole of Africa It would have changed a lot of things for us, connected us not just as a country but as a continent made us better even as a specie in fact for it would have had a world staggering impact in our lives.
Brazil is considered the future because of the way they were able to seamlessly blend their differed races together, Osun slaves from Nigeria, the indigenous Indians, the adventurous Europeans,were all meshed up in a beautiful mixture of Mezitos and mullatos, as the Brazilians are proud of their racial mixture and adore it, no prejudice anywhere for they know that we are all yolk on the inside.
Imagine if the same can be said of Nigeria and Africa, I use Nigeria because I know we have and have had the money, to build a railway that connected all of not only West Africa but East, North and South. If this project had been done a long time ago, many of the crisis and genocides that we have witnessed in Africa will never have happened. When you look at the case of the Rwandan genocide and the way it was promulgated partly by a radio station stating genetical differences in people, it shows how closed their mind was at that time, If these people were a mixture of different races and tribes, how would they separate them.
A railway will could also be of immense value economically for those that attach economic value to everything,  as it will make goods from Asia arrive quicker, increase intermingling of the different people and create a much needed understanding and increased wealth
Allowing me to be brash,
If I as young man go and fuck a girl from Ethopia, and my child  gets to fuck someone from South Africa, what nationality will you call my grandchild, - African nothing for you can’t begin to place and trace the mixture of the blood. Imagine if every one had the same different and intermingled lineage. In which someone from Botswana is married to a Calabar woman in Nigeria who is an aunty to a Nephew whose dad is form Egypt tell me how do you want to divide those kind of people along Ethnic lines. This is what the people in Europe and Schegen countries enjoy, you can hardly tell someone from Sweden or Norway apart, As they have a railway that cuts across the entire continent making it easy for the people to relate and copulate.
Sadly we don’t have such forward thinking leaders in Nigeria or Africa, But it’s only a matter of time As I write this if this project had been done with the money gotten from the oil boom of the60’s and 70’s the kind of money that made them lament on how to spend the money there will be no Sunday Igboho or Nnamdi Kanu of the Embroiled matyrdoms that we have today.
We would have assimilated and intertwined with each other so much so that the only means of identification will be the color of our skin, we would belong to the continent rather being confined to a geographical location where we think we should brag our uniqueness and  use because of that kill another just to achieve a false sense of freedom.
True freedom lies in being able to move to anywhere at anytime and call anywhere your home for the world I mean the entire world is your home.
Life is a big fuck fest and we are only delaying  it, buying junks the junks that will literally start the bonfire when we finally reach our precipice as we inch ever closer to it..
As many of us that are driving cars while answering whatsapp messages with our left hand on the steering wheel, knowing fully well that the junks you have still doesn’t fill up the void in you, as many are still buying and selling doing the same thing over and over again and seeing no future, fulfillment in lining our pocket with the same valueless money, I know deep down you want a life better than this, a life of adventure and true compassion, communication and living.
I can only say we should find time amidst our toil to travel and go to different place meet different people for we can only polish the gem of ourselves by brushing them against another
It’s a big fuck fest and all we doing is busy piling up junks only for us to discard them again
What we really have to know is that as humans memories are what we are and only through interrelation can we find true joy and happiness.
Hoping we can relate
