A Case Against Rape


Here we are to discuss against the convoluted nature of man, inevitable spearing, rain death taxes, rape mhmm rape. I most certainly have no right to pontificate poor tabularasa like me with nothing to  brave but the hearsay of others. But if a night where I am supposed to intimate with a girl who willingly entered my room, with a promise of coitus and it’s derivatives find myself struggling and failing, only for me to told the next morning ‘Ah you have been scammed, you are supposed to force them” Hmm, where do I begin.
The dictionary calls the act, forceful and willful, but what about the patterns, indoctrination and conditioning that lead to the pang of the forceful, what is that to be called, that pattern is what thrust my pen, that rape which goes on without anyone doing anything about it, that is the rape I also have a problem with, rather than embarrass and humiliate every single human(animal) let’s get to the root cause and check what really happened, if everyone is blank slate at birth, where then did these markings come from..
Let me put this analogy, “ I am born sexual, I am designed to fuck,do you think that my fucking will destroy you, going into sex, who comes out weaker, fatigued and famished Am I then a demon?”
The problem with men and women is a problem of whose got the most catharsis the men don’t see women as equal because often they feel most women have sheltered life as girls and don’t go through half the things they do, And this disparity lead to a unifying and generalizing stance of objectifying and denigration but it is nnot all out war it just a response mechanism. The physiognomy of women is acceptance obviated by the elastic nature of their genitals their role is calm and  as they provide the ever needed asssurance to every son and man. A calm that reassures a latter strife but when that is not found problem arises.
With all the reified prostitution you must ask yourself who is getting raped psychologically who watches the music video, the movies and Is addicted to porn because a hormone like testosterone feels like an ever tightening noose as the day goes by, so adulthood becomes 9gag videos and masturbation, another wasted day, another day to be wasted
I, among other men like me, in sexual prime and throbbing hormones sit in a pack room watching a Champions league game, only for us to get to the halftime where the advert starts the first advert is the Skechers canvas advert where a presupposed lady in a mad rush to get her skechers shoes on flies into the room and changes to something more comfortable but not quick enough that she show us her panties before closing the jeans, same thing goes for the toothpaste adverts, all of us saw that pant and for a second all we thought about was shoes or football? Oh come on, who are we fooling.
The difference between now and the old days is that we saw each other naked and had sex willingly without guile but with the advent of christianiity and the commercialization of sin people became hypocritical about what they want and who they are, destroying what I call the grease of life.
The repression culture gotten from religion means nowadays people do so much more trying to achieve a lot for the acceptance of a woman, until they do,  they are the horny miserable with no succor or belonging ever found,  Just imagine the luck of finding a job and to attest that with the basic nature of sexuality, it is advertised and denied at every turn, when protest is the language of the unheard, rape becomes a protest of the indoctrinated.
In the old days, people weren’t trying to achieve much because women were easy, and they weren’t dominated and were free, until when arable land became hard to find, leading to a more male dominated world and it lead to feudality and serfdom and the conquest of land which relegated women to the bottom but still a women still held that power in them  and had a control of the mind which was the bane of most women hating “men of god” chiefly represented by Paul who lamented abut a thorn in his flesh (his boner).
 I make an analogy, after watching a documentary, where a woman said women we are chaos, men lives are so free they want some that chaos.Our minds and bodies are tied, men are like the answers, and women are the question, the answer is useless without the question but in life now,  the answer goes in search for the question and the question denies being in want, frustrating the answer. When you say the answer is 4, 4 as number is useless without the question 2 + 2 So when 4 stands alone it requires 2 +2 to give it purpose and understanding for others to know how 4 came about, but when 4 goes and ask 2+2 to tell the world that it is the reason he came about, and 2+2 denies ever knowing 4 or having anything to do with him. What happens to poor 4, he becomes frustrated.
That in a way is what I feel is happening to our world women understand the pang of testosterone are using it to their advantage to emasculate and frustrate men today They walk around with the see through clothing and short skirts, expecting us to never masturbate and still find a way to have a perfect conversation of 3 hours with them without ever thinking of sex, Even the prostitute these days are just thieves, they request for exorbitant amount of money for sex and still when you bargain they lie down flat on the floor shouting at you, trying to get you to be afraid, knowing that fear makes the man unable to get a hard on, lying flat so that you injure yourself, reclining like a snake trying to get one in, and with a little touch, you hear DON’T TOUCH ME, do you think they don’t know this kills every fabric of that man’s soul, you find yourself having muscle pull, just because you don’t want to be tagged rapist, 3 days later your sperm banks are full and throbbing, guess who walk past you again in total oblivion and living her life, with her short skirt and no bra, little miss feminist and only just want to be your friend, something is dangerously wrong with the world.
Pornography is now a trillion dollar industry today because a world populated with over 4 billion women decided that among the 4 billion men most of whom are in prison, and some are even homosexual and these women didn’t see any one that they would like to fuck not to even talk of loving unconditionally. You can imagine each man will be like a cockerel in a layers cage looking all around and can’t touch anyone, while they bicker and coos his ears to deafness 
If very boy  child could be married to 3 women right now and  he would still not be able to match the deficit of women available and why is that men are the most addicted to pornography when the exact thing they are searching for is next door, waiting for Godot, or Prince Charming It makes no sense, as no animal will see another and act aloof only humans
The  Cinderella upbringing most girls have made them statistically characterized as being beneath men, if they can’t take the initiative of asking a man out and taking their cards where they may, they will never get the equal footing they chase.
Assertive female is what made Atticus raised his daughter that way to be able to be assertive, giving her clothes that didn’t chain her to a gender allowing her call him by his name, reading to her You need to ask yourself how many Nigerians have read to Kill a Mocking Bird
How many have the time to raise their girl children properly. Tomorrow you best believe you will see another case of rape It is not going to be corrected through shaming and disgracing every single offender nor will it be prayed away by the blood of Jesus,
It will take  studious and critical thinking and true education of both boys and girls and their role to society and to themselves before we see true change, obviating to all and sundry that the singular fact is that we all are bonobos wearing clothes our modus operandi in life is to eat, fuck and die, every other thing is a distraction.
We shouldn’t be ready to demonize and rubbish the life work of people just because their penis stands, or they have “predatory behaviour” something have to give in this Hippocratic model of raising the perfect Chad many are fucked up and roaming around, it is not possible and unrealistic to find a perfect gentleman something will have to give, Life now becomes you don’t fuck them you are gay, you do you are jailed you can only walk the very razor thin line of careful molestation and do so with luck and goodwill so that your seemingly innocent love affair don’t turn into rape, and god forbid you become popular..
Watching the Weinstein documentary Panorama and seeing Zoe Brock call Harvey a naughty boy and it made me laugh, you have to understand that many people don’t deserve to be alive. Many of us, and I can say all of us are product of senseless lust, our mother and father performed the beast of two backs, to satisfy their lustful greed and out of that comes us, with our own lust and greed. we don’t have anything special but skin on our backs, so what do we do, we go to the mirror, get and memorize which smile, grimace and frown makes us the most appealing and plaster it on our faces, we do it even without us knowing, now we don’t even know how not to do it.
So from the time we are born to the time we die, we are constantly selling sex, its all we have, its all we know, so when  we smile and act all cute, we get the response we want. Someone like Zoe Brock can therefore acquire enough confidence the same one lacking in mother Theresa of Calcutta to go for modeling, same vermin, same organogram in terms of body and everything, just a different in facial outlook send one to the monastery and the other to the catwalk, so much for altruism.
So she goes, struts around trying to get noticed,  she does get noticed, and starts having a conversation with a man definitely old enough to be her father and you can’t impress him, he’s been around for years, you spout the same foolish indoctrination that you learnt from school or read somewhere in a magazine
He agrees, you have a few laughs why because you are that intelligent, smart and have a way with words? Give me a break. Alright you peddled yourself, intellectually or whatever you think help you sleep better at night, He invites you to his hotel and by god no one have ever invited you to the hotel, you think it’s all business.
Let me just say this All my life I never did any business that lasted more than 3 minutes we either had a deal or we don’t.
She might think when we talk in his hotel room, the air condition in the hotel will do his ear drums a whole of lot of good so that I can tell about that one time, Nobody cares! nobody care! You know he want to fuck you, you dress up specifically to advertise that and you got a customer waiting.To be fair, Weinstein doesn’t have the best of game and to his defence the reason he didn’t get to fuck was because he was fat, women like fine guys and I’m sure on her way to the top of the modeling world something might have happened that gave her the confidence to go into a hotel room alone with Harvey.
So she’s there and he begs for the massage, what else do you want? you know he wants to fuck? that your cue to tell him, hey Harvey, you are fat, and I heard fat guys have small dicks please if you promise to use your tongue wisely I might let you but don’t think of breathing down on me, I find you repulsive.. Say that, and see your modeling career which is a cake you want and definitely want to eat disappear in a flash, say that and who is to say Harvey might not run down to the gym the next morning and get his benches on.
Say that and maybe when he is down a few kilos maybe he might call you and say hey Zoe thanks for the rash talk the other night, I needed that, I'm slimmer now, do you think I might be able to fuck. But no, you let him make a fool of himself so that at the heat of it you can run to a bathroom and lock the door thinking to yourself in the interview, I achieved something, what a coward
And I dare anyone to come and argue with me on the manipulative nature on women , without going in search of women or girls who you think I might have fooled around with in my teen and get them to say that the folly performed in the act of lust is rape, and why won’t it be in a manual less world, in a manual less world I too have been indoctrinated as a child, that he who finds a wife have found a good thing, and out against the element you are told you have to wrestle against the good thing, the good thing might call her friends and traumatize you, the good thing might make your life miserable, the good thing after fucking her might pray you get successful enough to change your ‘love affair” to rape and destroy you. And the good thing might even get a documentary with some few tears and feeling of accomplishment, and you are there thinking to yourself, what the fuck?
As much as it is hip to lackey onto the tales of feminist in order to get attention or pussy, we must call a spade a spade or this case a back stabbing knife.
We all have to know that misogyny is a coping mechanism , our first instinct is love, and no matter how it served, fucking have no nationally accepted process or methodology, as long as you are adults you know when a person is interested in you, he might use a massage or some other tactics, but I doubt many guys have an extended range of ice breakers.
I am not trying to justify, but it high time we stop the demonization of the male gender, we are all tabularasa no one have come to this world with knife for fingers destined for the destruction and manipulation of women from birth. It is a product like the man of society. And can be called to question with the understanding of the both side and when you see the news of a man sleeping with an underage girl look at the role society have played and if he isn’t truly a victim of rape himself.
We hear stories of a guy filming the up-skirt view of a woman in a bus and we are always quick to fly into questionable rages, which makes me wonder if this is not also a sexual frustration of someone who is angry with someone finding a way through the cage
Pervert ! we shout, castrate him! cut his ball, have we ever asked ourselves why the punishment to the sexual offence are always sexual, isn’t it a deep seated need for us to express our own repressed sexuality by trying to see the penis of a rapist, by requesting his nakedness or insulting the phallus that the man had no part in creating
As a solution, we need acceptance in this country, boy and girls have got to get together, as parents we should allow our children keep friends, male or female have sleepovers and get them to grow up together so that the obscurantism surrounding the vagina have got to stop, when they develop together they have less friction as adult and grow up into well adjusted members of each other rather than model citizens of “society”
Sexual obscurantism have got to stop to remove the adolescent carry over in many men, because our polygamous nature is an inherent part of us and we must excise that animal side before we settle for love and hold on tight, it cannot happen overnight
People have to got to fuck only then can rape and pedophilia be a thing of the past
There are no manuals to wooing, our bodies are animals, oblivious to the dynamics and intricacies of our times and for the most part gullible to the manipulation of our counterpart
Say no to rape? say no also to the psychological rape and demonization of the male gender
We all are tabula rasa, We all just want to fuck.
it is the denial of it that build houses, it is the denial of it that build mansions, it is the denial of it that lead to achievements that filter the pussies that we all inherently still want to fuck
It is the denial of it that make us the model man that fits their hyper-gamy and our polygamy
I'm not backing them, but all these music videos, movies and marriage centered indoctrination laced with the bodily and impulse contradicting “hell to fornicators” and “no sex before marriage” add somewhere  and something have to give, we should re-educate rather than  stripping bare, cloth thieves
For guys trying to still get them to touch it, let’s not sulk up to the agenda and act superior, svelte, and above the pangs of testosterone to vilify others and chase clout without a good upbringing, an understanding girlfriend or masturbation, many us of under the stultifying yoke of religion would be rapist
Most of these men need help to be sincere.  To disgrace, scar, traumatize would only harden the wax, plus all these reactions have in them the laden intent of sex
You see sex is a very powerful thing and even though many claim it is about power, I think is the connector organ of every man, even a new born baby laughs at the touch it’s organ obviating that, that is our tentacle of connection our tsahelyu, our bond, and everything that have come between us and that is just social construct,
It is the most basic and encompassing stratum of our existence the virulence and potency of its pull shows that it is the main co-ordinate of our understanding and it drives the majority of our action. Sex is the reason we go to school, it is the reason we put on good clothes, it is the reason we further our studies, it is the reason we go to church, it is the reason we buy cars, build house, sing songs, make noise, talk loudly, hum tunes, whistle, drag our feet, wince loudly, wave at people, smile, frown, eat to gain strength, stay fit, acquire knowledge, learn hobbies.
It is the driving force of every organism. I remember the film Masculin, Feminin by Jean Luc Goddard, where the boy said, “ we need women for tenderness” even though he still committed suicide under the auspices of a vacillating and prevaricating lover
We have to understand that we need each other, and should stop the passing of the folly of religious repression and wickedness from mother to child. Words like close your legs, don’t let them see your bom-bom, stop behaving like a slut, needs to stop.  Why do all that we are all prospective corpses why not let the poor boy see the bom-bom, Maybe if he sees the bom-bom he might not be as suicidal at night, no one is a slut, we should stop making people feel bad for expressing the basic and latent innate desires, Who are we if not just our bodies. And as guys we also now reify this thought process and hate girls that are “loose” calling them slut, while we have romantic fantasies with our favourite porn star We do this to conform to society.
Another form of rape is the mothers who pit their sons against their fathers, making them compete for her love and acceptance, opening loving the son when they argue with their husbands and dumping their sons when they finally settle with their husbands
The sons inadvertently begin to resent a man who also starts bearing grudges against someone who he is supposed to lead and direct. The sons tries his hardest to become better than the father, and go ahead and buy expensive things to please the useless mother, while the father watch him try and fail in all his endeavour in life just so that he can have one over him, never advising him or teaching him how to live watching try in vain to impress a walking void embroiling him in Fruedian and oedipal complexes. All the while the woman is having the time of her life watching them fight to win her approval that kind of young man grows us with sated resentment towards women and might end up being tagged a rapist without any inquest into remote factors like this one.
Expect another headline like this next week, we have to open people up to their conscience and empathy through education rather than coercing behaviour and conformity through indoctrinated fear We need a total re-education of everyone, to open them to their conscience so that understand where every  grabbing hand is coming from, stop the manipulation of men stop the total lack of empathy  We are as inflamed bonobo, we should stop the pretense and repression, we all like sex
The confusing clime of religious repression and the stoking fire of the media, will create a boy psychologically raped  You listen to music that Nigerians play depict a deficit in their understanding of what sex is.
They lack an education to the function of their bodies they only link it to prostitution, not knowing that the body is a sexual beacon meant to be understood and explored
Ponerogenis says that almost no one is normal, so we can begin to empathize with them
We can admit that most women have lost their acceptance and contentment due to the comparison brought about by the age of social media 80 / 20 becomes 880/20, but a fuck is just a fuck if we are being factual and remove possession from our thinking
We have women who frustrate men, out of their house, out of the world once the basis need of sustenance are guaranteed, by giving them headaches, ulcers, a high blood pressure and dong all these knowing that it will lead to his death she can have the life she desires.
Reading the myth of male power, you understand the politics of rape by women , men with the  difference in catharsis and embroiled in fear tend to lean towards voyeur in sexuality, wickedness and schadenfreude many are traumatized by women or young girls who insulted their masculinity (testosterone) for bringing them to their knees or laugh at  their own style of begging for the pussy so the hypergamy of female sexuality clashes with the polygamy of male sexuality.
So When next you hear a case of rape, do you think about the boy whose mind have been violated for years, well do you?
 Please do.
