The first despairing cries of every baby is portentous, a prophetic wail signaling the beginning of the longest futility. While we Skinner's monkeys are happy to add another slave to the pile, the child is truthful as it bemoans and mourns a waste.
After conditioning and imprisonment, we are destroyed to earn a wage in order to live in capitalism’s cage. To earn a wage is to look for a means, a means to an end, a means to survive a means to achieve certain desires. But how do we earn a wage, we work.
I ask: Is man made for the work, or is the work made for man?
Why do we work, why can’t we laze around and do nothing all day? Impossible in a completely capitalist society where the littlest thing cost an arm. Since work have become the only way to acquire freedom and become a “man” in society, an inquisition into work must therefore be done to differentiate work which provide the means to survive and slaving away to acquire things we can never really own.  But should he even be born in the first place??
We have been lied to, made to slave ourselves away without really drawing the line between work and life. Why do we work you might ask? We work, to cushion the effects of people, an igbo saying give credence aptly when it says “mmadu kayi na ria” (People are the sickness). We move from quicksand to quicksand looking for solid ground, but they will not let you be. People are dangerous demons doing with the all encompassing greed, good and the will of god as long as it falls favorably to their side. Without money some of their selfish act could be damning with long term effects.
As philosophers we go back to people as sperms, pushing for fertilization in the testicles of an ignorant man, If he had masturbated it, or she had aborted it, we would be spared the nuisance of so many people, point in fact being do you in your aggrieved strife even need to be born. I say it that 90% of Nigerians don’t deserve to be born in the first place
What is so many stupid waste of space going to add to the country, rather he’d just proliferate and apothesize a stupid of religious greed and wanton consumerism till he dies. without education, most people are just animals You look at the so called okada riders and ask yourself is this an occupation in Western Europe, No! Why? Because they give intentionality to every birth at the conception and don’t have children that they don’t need allowing the resource of the country to be able to circumvent and cater for those available which is why Iceland have maintained a population average of 300,000 because the emphasis is on quality not quantity. It is sad that we can not hold hand in hand and pull strength, knowing the futility of our toil, lie down and watch a thousand twilight laughing at it, while we move into our destined oblivion, rather we fight a futile battle daily, struggling to no end. I wake up in the morning and say to myself I hope I get home safely today, because anything can happen and I mean anything, with the constant clash against the greed of many (unnecessary) people it is hard to survive each day unscathed. The only thing that helps a little is money, Money becomes that which cushions the effect of the atavistic convoluted mess that is Nigeria.  Money for the treating sickness, acquiring of sanity, and being free.
But how do you make money you need a job; a shackle, a tugging noose that you do to acquire a spinning fan to face your direction while you rest your carcass at night.
But what is a job today if not modern day slavery, At the beck and call of master the phone becomes the crack of the whip at every ring sends you to purgatorial angst “Who might be this be? And What might he ask of me?” No peace, just senseless toil.
If the biggest crime is to be born, the infusion of life into want, why then do we work
We work because work purifies the soul, we work because man is nothing without work, we work because laziness is equally stressful, we work to quell the idle mind. Indolence according to Gandhi is a stressful state, our bodies must do something lest we run mad from boredom. For to keep the monkey mind mute a mite, our bodies must thread a few needles.
We work becomes we are just onanistic monkeys away from pain and head pressed towards pleasure, a caution must be drawn to the beauty that is besides. We only fetishize our want and can only brave the same sad sexual antics. For when you look at it what can a monkey offer besides sex, the language we brave the intellect we claim to have are only passed down excreta of others which we tend to brave and make sad monuments of.
Money is a tool to learn with, but also a tool to cushion the effect of stupidity which basically is people If Life is people and hell Is others we can find succor in knowing that we work to protect our own sanity.
However still the powers that be go after the money and make it as valueless as possible, even when we move to ascetic living, denying ourselves so many things just so that we can live without begging,
we remain mendicant
Another reason we work in Nigeria is to acquire civility, the simple amenities like light, water and good environment sadly have to be bought in Nigeria,  Since the bulk of Nigerians are uneducated we work to be able to afford some areas where things are a bit civil, where at least people will hear you for a little bit and give credence to a court. As we populate this nuisance with folly, Life is harder without a job than with it.
We work because man can only be productive for 2 hours in a day, the rest is onanism and there only so much a person can do, why  not mediocre In the financial womb of a company
But if man can only be that productive, and modern day jobs is slavery. We need to find a way to work the fields
The goal is to find a balance between making money and living a good life
Slavery actually never ended, Only a fool that will tell you that it did, For if you sleep 8 hours and work for 8 hours everyday, you are in the plantation everyday, evey job is a cotton field doing the bidding of masters conditioning you to keep on moving in a sentry system from here to there like the fast moving characters of Shinjuku station in the movie Baraka.  You have to eat, don’t you? you have to survive. But in this iron cage of a society created by capitalism it means you have to slave one way or the other to do so.
Here’s how to work the modern day plantation our How I cope with the chains on my feet.
Firstly you have to know that money is smoke and They only pay us enough to keep us coming back, keep us servile. With the addiction of acquiring things, you might find yourself living from paycheck to paycheck, Yes things are expensive, but do you really need to buy thing Twice as much in Nigeria where things are twice the difficultly you don’t only have to buy sustenance you also  have to buy your basic amenities,and security.
An astute minimalist living will keep you above the buoy for a while, will make you less stressed than your counterparts, cancel buying a car, television, too many clothes and see a little improvement on your monetary status. A plant based diet, (potatoes instead of bread, fish instead of meat) will do wonders for your health and reduce the societal infused cost of certain things which are so wrong for you.
As for the job go to work as late as possible, (or within the time), try to rest and meditate in the morning before going to the job, so as to maintain a level of sanity and calm. Tell them it’s traffic or you entered a bus with a flat tire on the way, as long as they never bought you a car, they can only complain, but make sure you frustrate the work, try to rest as much as you can, For all capitalist ventures are insouciant masters with only 27 working leave in 365 days of the year. They will use you until the job becomes your dreams, life and nightmare.
Never do overtime, or do anything for your boss, even if he begs you in the name of god, tell him you have an emergency , go home and go and sleep have no guilt at all
Most bosses take advantage of the moral nature of most human being s due to their Abrahamic religious upbringing and enslave them.
When given a book or assignment become dyslexic, waste time reading, waste time writing. Talk slow
Never pick calls before or after the hours slated to work, switch off the phone or put it in airplane mode. People like animals must be trained so that they can behave themselves, once they know that at around this time when they call you they  won’t get you, they will stop trying to.
Never be easily accessible, so that when they are lucky to see you they go straight to the point
Reduce your accessibility to people, not letting people talk to you is also a mental health care, for your mind ears will become full overtime leading you to mind crushing burnout.
Always state the obvious (“Oh we came to work today?” Did you see the traffic today? Waste time)  and be obsequious never offer solutions, when it is burns and everything seems to be going awry jump and be glad never try to put out the fire
Do you work and your work alone never offer a helping hand unless you get either recognition or money for it, You boss is a slave driver, never forget that. And if you find yourself offering because you can’t help it, let everyone know that you did it, it will help you when you are being recalcitrant
Don’t be swayed by the bigger salary look rather for more time to lounge and be free that is the true salary - your freedom You are not paid for another minute, don’t brag your waste of life to a prospective corpse don’t tell people how you left the office around 7:30pm yesterday. Nobody cares ! and the person is very likely to forget.
Run  to your house, switch off the phone and sleep like hell. Try to spend the bulk of your time at home, get a cat or a dog and play with it, relax stop going places, eat rest and watch a movie, we are all going to die and the world is destined for implosion.  Do your risk assessment properly (don’t ever do it if it is not safe) you are only wasting your time. No body will remember what you have done
Save, save like hell the money is valueless and you shouldn’t waste what you earn on family, relations, friends party or anything stupid so that the toil will not become your life.
During your leave make sure you travel don’t spend it all in one state, pick a place to travel to, I rented a room in Jos because I think its a really nice place to spend your leave in Nigeria.
Don’t waste money building a house in Lagos build one house in your home  town where it really matters and rent where you can, when you are done with the job, relocate to somewhere quieter (Taraba, Jos, Enugu etc) and retire there.
Never do the overtime, always take your time to read any report before signing (Waste time) Let a minute go for every breath, When asked to write something crack a joke first or say something first (delay) Nothing is important Become dyslexic, rest your elbows totally and heave a sigh. Take a minute for yourself first, you are only human
For nothing matters not that job that they think that they are doing in a a sphere spinning in space without any support
You are not a slave, you are a human being and should treat yourself like a human rather than a machine, You are supposed to be slow, you are supposed to be inefficient you are supposed to be mediocre for you are not perfect never give the impression that you are.
For even if you do, nobody will remember.
And when you are done with the job, you can go back to your life, complete intact and not in  pieces, injured either physically or mentally. At first you are going to face a lot of opposition at work but when your colleagues see how well rested you are and how calm and confident you have become they will join you and you will be happier working the fields.
In hope for  a better world, at least for now this is how to cope
