"ALLOCATE"; My Condolence To LIfe's Elan.

This song by Damien Jurado is my kenopsic nostalgia to a life once filled with possibllities
It hurts my soul as I see how far we have fallen as a specie.
The world is gone, and I have followed it too.
Ich bin kaputt. And there is no going back
Especially when I hear that part “ Ain’t it sad to see your life not work out” What made you think I would live in your frown while we are waiting for the witches to drown”
I once had a girlfriend who made me understand a poem in the movie Endless poetry
Where the man claimed for the smile that he would rob and kill.
A woman’s frown is a damning thing and it extrinsically motivate your mendicancy just so as not to go home empty handed.
So for me it’s okay, when the rain falls and drops my cloth on the floor and stains it, I don't haggle, get angry or upset with life's ills. It's okay 
It’s okay when inlflation is on the rise, and I know the economy will soon collapse,
It’s okay when I see my blood in the toilet and she’s sobbing and I’m like you did what?
When my boss derides me and reminds me of the number of unemployed graduates out there, knowing I have an obsolete certificate in education worth nothing in Nigeria.
Your life didn’t work out. I guess.
I just play the first song off the Horizon just Laughed album, and trickle through the rest while I allocate time for  thoughts, feelings, and condolences to a life well leaved.

Download and Listen HERE
