Music & The Affective


Music remains encapsulated pockets of air, important tools of transcendence that strikes directly at the heart. Chiefly among the very few thing one might consider eternal in this ephemeral life. They will never change but we can,they only wait for us to mature enough to understand them. Mahler’s Adagietto remains divine, I am the one who had to find out recently and truly appreciate it with teary eyes.
Art exist for the duplicity of interpretations what you consider ineffable could be just there to someone else. There’s you, the catharsis you attain and the reality portrayed to you. I posit that music can only seek preference for long when they attest and attune to the affective, Making music for the mind is the only way to beat the waning powers of the brain, The brain a discounter calculates and predicts the beat of any song with time, giving  bland  The song loses its once hortative prowess
With today’s proliferation of music, and prevalence of porn, we are able to completely numb out the serotonin that makes rain un-standable to the gratuitous depression that makes the alternative , psychedelic rock and folk amenable, therfore ending Rnb and Pop as genres.
Jobs are the worst, and valueless  money readies madness on the go for whomever laced with conspiracy and collapse, music takes on the role of soother and calmer.
So when listening to an album the crux becomes, how does it make you feel, rather than what the person had to say, the composition, arrangement or what have you, as everything you can think of have been said, and sung in each and every way.
There can be no good writing in music, which is why I stopped reviewing albums, Anthony Fantano’s Needledrop Music Review Channel on Youtube and At one time here Dennis Peter can’t ask me a thing they said about any album that I remembered or how what they said went in one way or another to affect my appreciation of music, Especially since music is curated here monthly, the go to factor for me when selecting albums are what are the albums I enjoyed this month? (and how they made me feel) making my monthly best albums, albums that helped me through that month.You like it, fine!. You don’t, that’s fine too because the album will never change, but you will.
In reality all an album have is these days is if you are able to hum a certain tune, or remember a line, or compostion and think hmm, that a nice album, as you work and hum the familiarity to a succor, with the bombardment and proliferation of albums today, it is fair to say, most albums literary fall on the hard rock like the sowers parable.
For me, an album  has nothing to do with the arrangement of the instruments or what note it was played with, but the feeling it gives you, and the situation you remember it with.
Go to Youtube and check the comment section of most music videos and mostly associate music to dead friends,relatives, lost loves or childhood memories and experiences -The affective
The affective means music can only be understand when you listen with you heart and not your brain, For if you make music for the brain, it will fight you (or it I.e. the album)  bringing the album to a bland composition of predictable sounds as time goes on,and since the album will never change chances are the brain you are playing for will transcend and outgrow certainties that assured you at that particular time, but creating an album that can be associated with an experience or a state of mind and the album takes on a different meaning entirely.
For a while, I have been leaning towards classical music , classical music feels like a never ending conversation a type of music that is inexhaustible.and the bulk of them are over a 100 years old, but they still hold a strong sway among people due to its focus on the affective, and how it makes  people feel.
To tell you that even as albums are curated here monthly many are deleted in the process, not because they are bad, but don’t seem to attune to me at the moment and I do download some of them again and try to listen to it, hoping to get it still.
For even our affective is a cloud that changes with time, By becoming  older, we develop the patience to truly appreciate the work, the album didn’t change, You did.
I used to say, you don’t pick and album the album picks you. Reviews and scores are merely opinion of corpses, The album will remain perfectly encapsulated in time, like Fela’s Gentleman album will still make sense to a child to be born 50 years from now, because the album will never change, but the child will grow up to understand the album. My advise for the young artiste is: it’s better to focus on the affective, when making music, so that appeal to the audiences heart, finding tether regardless of language and they retain more value over time and through the years.
You will also notice a shift in my music listen, For If you do music for the cognitive, you might be met with high reviews but the brain is your number one enemy it will wane and discount it with time, rather think affective. Music still remain important, treasured pockets of air, and tools of transcendence, As we listen to them with your heart and mind - the affective
