On Being Slow

In a world conditioned to speed, the maxim to hold to heart is that nothing good is ever fervently advertised, so where they key word is speed, we have to become slow.
Slow is not advertised, because it is the right way, the true pace of the universe, like the snail, the tortoise who lives the longest, the steady the calm, and the easiest way to live life.
Sadly we injure ourselves with the flawed indoctrination until we finally reach the conclusion that slow is actually better, this article abridges the gap between exuberance and precipice and tell the young that there is no where to go. In truth every infinity is to be given it’s due and appropriated the utmost atom of astute intentionality from the way we walk, talk and even breathe. Everything is to be done slow, when we are slow, we reach a conclusion in our heart, a conclusion of intentionality with every step and breath we take, we take at the pace of the universe, we are slow so they can understand us, we are slow so that they can catch up to us, we are slow because there is no else to go but right here on earth.
We are slow for we too will also go, and everything and I mean everything that we were and stood for will be gone also. When we are slow the bump of life can be skidded across intact without loosing too much of who you are 
Be very slow, turn one yourself into the experience and be conscious of the you in the present. Someone have to be the last, why can't it be me, for everything they said was good for you is bad especially speed (for as Gandhi said, there is more to life than increasing it's speed) Leaning not to force it, letting the obstacle be the way is a better way to experience life than blitzing through it mindlessly. There is a flow to life, it must be learned, understood and followed, when it says rest, do so.

