The Miracle of Five Loaves & Two Fishes

When Jesus saw the little boy he said If a little boy among a grumbling of over 5,000 men could bring out 5 loaves and 2 fishes it means that there are many of them there with at least more just too selfish to share. And they at the end, they all had more to eat, and still had leftovers of 12 baskets full.

The first problem is that the multitudes looked up to Jesus and his disciples to provide them with food. It was late and the disciples didn't have the resources and were distraught until a little boy came to offer 5 loaves and 2 fishes. Many people think that the miracle Jesus did was to carry the five loaves and two fishes pressed CTRL + c and V  (copy and paste), no!

The miracle Jesus did was to open the multitudes to thier ability to give and show them that if they give they would have and still have leftovers.

A standard picnic should have at least 5 loaves and two fishes meaning that many among the multitudes  were with 5 loaves and two fishes,  but because they embroiled with the perception of inadequacy they were unable to share thinking that it will not be enough for even them, no to talk of the next person.

A priest once said something in a homily that I never forgot, he said that the difference between Heaven and hell is that both are dinning tables the occupants all have their spoon somehow attached to their elbows  

In heaven the first person is feeding the next person by dipping in the spoon and feeding the person close by while simultaneously opening his mouth for the person before him to do the same.

They all get fed and are happy.

In hell, everyone is struggling to feed his/herself, knowing fully well how difficult it is, they end up pourinh the food on their eyes and their faces.

They don't eat at all and are enraged.

Jesus knowing this charged them and embarrassed their folly, telling them that If a little boy among you can bring this, it means some of you have more and are just being selfish.

And when they had this the miracle happened many of them started sharing what they have feeding each other with their own 5 loaves and 2 fishes and everyone became full, and had 12 baskets filled with leftovers. 

Now in Nigeria where every complaining masses weigh at least 90kg with potbelly and a lousy camry, our own dirtiness is our porverty more than anything else, a man struggling to survive, will always complain about the government and not having enough money to survive its a plot they play,  the rich even know how to play it better than those that are mendicant, they've had more time to practice. 

"Ah shi shi I know get, " and they laugh. 

How can we get our own miracle.  I Suggest  a place called THE JUNKERY 

The Junkery is exactly what it means a place for junks as tenants of life,  we humans have to be conscious our own definite  mortality And apply moderation to out consumption. 

The place is to house the junks of the dead, and those who have too many,  if only they allow this miracle touch them and have the courage to let go of their possession  which is their own five loaves and two fishes. At this junkery people can drop things that they have not used I  3 months and allow another person take them for free.

Some people have 12 toasters as wedding gifts instead of giving it out, they hoard it and keep it in dust filled shelves, some have 3 mattresses apart from the ones they are sleeping on. Some have (We are guilty) a thousand tumblers and breakable plate, Why hoard them when some dont have at all, not to talk of cars and houses 

I'd we allow this miracle a young man that has just graduated can easily move out of his parents house,  go to the place called the Junkery and pick up things that cam help in furnishing his home for free,  if he dies they are relinquished and return for another to use, if you want television why should you toil and buy when someone have 10.

If we are to practicee true living and move past the shackles of capitalism we have to be willing to share. From minimalism to asceticism to transpersonal living, ss we all have unimaginable wealth if only we change our thinking

 If you look at it, We are ten times richer than our forefathers but we are the most unhappy we have allowed greed and avarice run amok, and without any caution, We pile, build and destroy only for someone to use the rubble to build again in an endless game of tetris.

 So in the place callled the Junkery we are asking each Nigerians to give and share what they don't need it might be another person's treasure imagine it in every state with ads saying Please bring to us anything that you haven’t used in the last 3 months

And drop it there, people are likely to bring plates from their wedding that theyve not touched, electric kettle, foams, pillows, tumblers and stuff

And another saying Please if you need anything come to the place of junkery and pick them for your use but you must bring something to get something , it will Stop the importation of things and I promise you NIgerias will have a more fuller and richer life.

Before we go far into complete socialist thinkking like that of the Black Panthers free breakfast for children.  This is a step in a good direction 

