Opening Of The Eyes


“We free the people with music..”  - Bob Marley
This is the opening of the eyes shut by many years of slavery and retardation, a calcified mind to be  forced opened by light, to see what fight have existed and will continue until it is won, It’s an honour to be shown and called to join.
The fight is for the mind, and how to liberate it from the shackles of 400 years of slavery, we can’t own anything for nothing is even here, we will keep reincarnating into folly until the foundations are right we will keep reincarnating into the same strife. The black man’s mind needs an uplifting to be on par with our mates and counterparts, marijuana and music, A lot of it, simple and short.
The secret of life is to have no fear!
This is the path, No music have done this to me apart from the music of Fela, Coltrane, Marley and Sanders to see beyond the smoke and mirrors, The culture of the up and coming, the struggler that have become the fashion, the image that we are peddling as the migrant and willing slave. Racism is just an image problem and a fashioned dissatisfaction caused by a reality peddled as the norm creating a strife where there is none.
They all need to wash their eyes As they are Kings asleep, Can’t see out society, potbellied and afraid That is why slaves keep breeding slaves, messy keeps getting messier. Afraid and neutered shivering in their seats Looking at the fake sun, the new mirror - Phones. 
Music liberates the mind, The height it will take you, take your mind above the bog and the machinations of slavery, transcends juju, fetishism and the occult, It is the weapon of the future.
If power is the capacity to turn intention to reality and sustain it, then baggage create chores distraction from knowledge the true power.
This is a spiritual cleansing they gave tuned into a muppet show, they forgot how to dance in thiss sport, Nothing should impose its will on me, Always being on their best behaviour like children in kindergarten for the ambition of a pile of sand. This money no go kill me!!
This is a cleansing, They are dead, weighted by commerce so they sold the chairs as my possession, the ground is all chairs, go ahead and jump on one. Zooting naked will reverse the case  Zoot naked.
Leave the black belt and its encumbrance, leave the veneer of folly, for they are weighted by it.
Reliving memories of past lives, dancing in the dark, Incensing the room The mirror stores memories in time They are portals to other dimensions,The dream room in Inception - Which one is the reality ??
In the kingdom of God there is no fight clothes is a scam, We are supposed to be without clothes
Ask yourself every 3 months what has changed you or your clothes?
Its so easy to be God while some people are selling it as chief priest using Incense and fear
The height of the  Civilization is high, people are suffering from growing fear and grown fear
I don eye, it means you have become the organ that receives 90 percent of our information everything about you sees. You ears sees, you hand your legs your hair sees.
Their vocation/voyage is not true  We don get dull people for Nigeria Mumulized with milk Adulterated Small book wey i read opened my brain to the ancestors  Just a small  teaspoon Of a very hot mug Formula is:Weed +Walden + Music + Travel + Documentary+ movies = Open eye
How  changed becomes my seemingly ordinary after seeing the things I can let go off
Measure, You are king if you say you are king It's just a matter of performance And daring.
In a meaningless life you’d be a fool if you missed this chance
See how they respond weighted  with ambition An iron barricade made of wood for the woman to climb Careful you might fall, It's so easy to read them Man can’t keep secret it’s seeps out of him at every pore, To fight the fear -
Kwame danced with Elizabeth !
Kwame danced with Elizabeth!
Kwame danced with Elizabeth!
Kwame danced with Elizabeth!
I praise him, The depth of the difference In our language and in our mind can’t be explained but experienced, My father I was humbled to a white man’s mind in the mere experience of being in front of him  As he spoke to me My tongue folded in my mouth Like it was  possessed I started speaking in a slavery tongue to get him to understand rather than embrace my accent and their language as a second, he laughed at me, knowing it always worked. I felt shame So that's what racism feels like, this is why they feel they are better than us We suffered in slavery. The music is what they used in jarring out, and what we will also use in jarring out our mind, It will never happen again.
They are not here. Like we are,they feel ethereal, and we feel physical, vestigial like lead filled donkeys, By the sight of them my tongue changed  and coiled in my mouth, Ah we have such a barrier to climb to change  I just had to shift back at brightness To remind it that I am black Poverty have let me down, I cant believe how down to earth I am.
Now that your eyes have open Go and see the white man is selling you, the reality he is advertising to you in the television (another mirror of slavery) so This how close society is.
Building your shrine is of the essence using pictures of your past lives and ancestors, to draw strength from the past They are portals to other dimensions and they exist now.
The mirror was used to deceive the black race, it is not just an ordinary mirror for the black man must have definitely seen his reflection in the water and in his child.  Know thyself, Incense the room, Close out on the affectation, eat biter-kola Eat alligator pepper, Read a lot.
What's Victoria secret, Victoria’s secret is not the underwear she puts on, but the fact that she does nothing all day, Whereas the black man cannot eat without working. Not even a single day of rest and he still remains poor. What a prison, Lifes a prison
I fucking have to leave I'm on detention and these all are my parole officers from Teachers to Bosses at work I have to tell them, when I want to pee, go out, laugh anything at all. “where are you going?”
Unless you take the materials you cannot attain Transcendence, when you buy the weed, it provide you with the side mission for your character development in this here game.
Weed and music, weed and music don’t forget make sure you boil it, This is the absolution.
Amulets and potions Alchemy, HushpuppiesAnd hoochie poochies lap on the floor some are as mad as us but many of them are daft and don’t see the cage they are in. They don't see the freedom I see It's in their eyes. Just weed and music, Nah we are too few!!
Art you bitch the denigration of the art means you deserve nothing, Chasing oriental brothers dream
So it's just information, Information is bourgeois This small piece of knowing is also class What else
Sit down like we are in birthday parties He puts on an act  Meiran dey cage person Conserving money is not going to get you what you  want faster believe will. If you are rich you are rich Don't go out and change your thinking I have to cross over and fuck their girls and get my prick  back from her.
Don't let him go out There is an ocean you are not supposed to cross, black belts and white belts, Mushin and Ikoyi, the bog and the paradise My women my people reduced to mere prostitutes Malcolm X was right, The nights make the light shine brighter I'm moving, gallivanting I am king
Gonzo journalism Exposing their self to another. prostitutes that's all
Human boundaries alone set the cage Man made man scared Get igbo (weed) and cleanse fear
The veneer of fear must be torn  For fear is the slavery. They soften all of a sudden
It that what it take to be all of you, don't  be corny Zik spoke with the igbo in his tongue
So this what they call power Can you talk here ??? Diogenes  said “And so to Alexander the great Suddenly what used to be a free society become  a policed state The veneer of fear means they shit in ignorance, plunder in righteousness cause they believed they have suffered
God built so many earth before perfecting the one so many of them are flawed and funny  They had to form space as the summit if you only you can remember, she came and  drop human here. The bear and the eagle have been fighting for a while  That alone is it’s own medicine, enjoy your life watch?
How do I get a calm mind with people Fashioning Babylon in Paradise us to slave in plenty. Cementing the floor cutting down the trees so as to sell electricity We made money and attached importance to it The man who decided his paper is of ultimate value, must be the richest.
My life is free and it is a frequent of madness even as it is off most things.  Ah Reggae music!!!
There is as gap between the white man and us It makes us present and them feel ethereal
the difference between them  and us is what the mind have been exposed to,  some have been exposed to the music and the high, while others are exposed to the toil Some are now eagles ,while some remain  bisons. We must reduce the gap between us and them using music and marijuana
Nothing happens by chance Be very afraid, this is a serious level multiplayer game
What is really looking will feel like a missed opportunity Open my eyes God to see what is beside me  Do the persons of greed people life gradually doesn’t the station diminishes
The extremity of greed and anger and foolishness in people last in the impasse of the world of the latter days make it difficult for any worship or sage to control
Western education breeds slaves and a market society that chokes one bloating ego to the mereness of prostitution Pain is a call to god How do we get the end without money. Or losing oneself,
The giver is king  All fences must fall Burn my aspartame tongue with cigarettes
Everything have  been blown out of proportion for the sake of the same twisted plot that they accursed to imitate on television the clashing of egos and scraping to find egos to clash even when it is not needed or even necessary digging around looking for buried hatchets,
Television is the last thing to buy I've found out that perfection is the enemy of the good life, you can’t fashion your own utopia So your ideal must be found in the constraint of the real, the very real,
The society you can’t afford your ideal Your image is remedy for the lonely but what you want doesn’t exist in  your time you must climb on The sufferings of your father and mother and buidlon it
For all phenomena are empty Help can care for anywhere are you also aware of your own defects
The real progress is small infinitesimal and real Like the growth of a seedling it is slow
So I am gentle to people for people are ether, one moment they are here, the next they are gone
I also over gong I decided to marry for what will I gain if I flail I have fought a good fight My revolution is over the more things change, the more they  remain the same I have unlearn and had to relearn It all, this is the truth- be a slower and calmer mind and the universe will be for you a spool
It’s a trickle It’s a trickle Oh it’s a tsunami Ignorance is bliss, bliss is death, in death there is no change
People littered like dog's purposeless and distraught It's all a lie. Work calcified the mind All problems are acquired God who can I trust, not material things surely All progress is progress
talk!!!! Compassion and character Infantiled For 400 years they only listened to music and got high We must also do the same if there is to be any parity The spine contains the fountain of youth, it is wringed through yoga. The destinies of footballer eaten in this country is in trillions of dollars, Fashioned hell out of paradise, Many atrocities have been committed obsession makes heaven hell.
It is a fight about an ideal Be gentle and perch, you are finite and terse,  These days it is a not a job but the breaking of a is when you add music
Everything is where it is supposed to be To forgive that is the most gracious thing but boy is it hard , to the angels that record, do you mind the world I said out anger or do you want o say and dispel the hurt done to me for nothing stick I am ever becoming a new men for everyday but sometimes I wish I wasn't With hope that I can truly  forgive For it is the best thing to do constantly The sun is bad for you, don’t cut your hair Queen Elizabeth wore a black face Greed she stole from billions from usWith the death of Vlad’s grand daughter our destiny will open up again, free to roam As we will reach the heights we once attained. Occidentalism and the nigga’s destiny But why medicine? They tell you, you are good with your hand.Reading this why cant poor children can never be lawyer or doctor, Even the admission process is skewed to favour the rich, so that they can live a life free from toil and and hard work, Tell you fuck your dreams you only have the one life.
I got a wife an six kids wrong Learn handwork - wrong Be A Carpenter don’t be a Lawyer or a Doctor wrong, Don’t be lazy - wrong, Eat and become fat - wrong, Don't do drugs wrong, Be good worker wrong Go to church every Sunday-wrong Vanity -wrong Keep yourself for marriage - wrong Repression wrong Stay in the Marriage no divorce wrong To be a carpenter rather than a doctor
Querulous and fraction capitalist god going about changing lives, Royalty is never rushed To go back to the affordability and sustainability of nature and say I see the human in you, besides the veneer of enslavement, there is a beating heart I am acquiesced to and concerned about. Man reduce to mere prostitutes. Owning land is not good as land belong to the commons the ppoepleand the people only have a certain amount of life to live, 70 years?  For as long as we have life, we have to thnk of other to continue as tenants of life we must work according to our ephemerality. The dreams swallowed by witches and wizard in this county is in trillions of dollars.
The Europeans were jealous of our sex appeal when we ruled them they invented religion to keep us crazy Corruption and comes from the mosque and church, since we can’t destroy the mosque and church We must attack the mind of the participant of these places so that they turn them into basketball courts . Sex cleans your bullshit eyes.Captain, I dare say backwardness people are writing your story. The common place of anthropomorphism Jeremiah bruised ego, whining god, is this not a insult when you who was just a sperm, gifted a liver and kidneys think you can win souls for God.
with Rattling the pipe The human have a lot cleansing and done what man first pull if not sex
The people of sunset and moonlight Music is to be listened in the evening night and in the shadow Away form the sun Man is supposed to work in the morning and and not in the hot sun This world is a world of higher forces, they want to calcify your pineal gland and take you far from God
We sex is ga god Freedom was lost to govern oneself What Is good for you go for it They all belong to me, how should I buy what is already mine Ipanga See forward and also see wide
Who is a slave? A man who can’t show love How do you make a man a slave,teach him selfishness, teach him to hoard to no end Tell him he has a heavenly father,make him proud andTake him from his family, put an invented bauble in front of him and dangle wads of cash in his eyes and enslave him.
Until we get there We come here to come and fight as they can stretch you no more when you are  already in the ground. Ever since I saw Lizzie with an Adire and a black face in Sengeshe worshiping the Osun river I have known that her death will herald the rise in Pan African thinking.
Envy has a spirit, In life There are only trade offs and sacrifices Once and since I jarred out, my trials have been frequent The black man must be reminded about his shared heritage,  common value and common goal to reduce the toil one is building blocks, while another sets them.
The woman is not yours to possess  Shes thrown into the economics of things like Jezebel seeks recognition and even feed by the curse of her body She is told to take cognizance of it, and protect it like a shop, How can she speak of the ethereal Peddle in the reality it’s epigrammatic scarcity
Thank god for pornography, I would have been uprooted trees in anger just imagine I wasn’t a primate The dinosaurs must have conjured the meteor in collective prayers. Repression is an implosion waiting to happen The world is built with chemical compounds watch what you eat.
Before the ether turns into form it might as well we been a background or a tapestry, what background are we showing our kids that all is possessed you have to work twice as hard to have a piece,What vista do we perpetuate and how does that affect the psyche and the lack of.
Where are the trees, Our environment is our calm community and anonymity
Nothing exist outside our vision scape, to showcase the image of a man  denigrated that is why Africa will remain the way it is, For In plenty man is saintly and in scarcity demonized, Africa will never be free so that they can keep the image going, of the savage African man.
What is this genius of minke that I am sorely desperate to protect as obsequiousness take on as living
But when you loose confidence and trust in humanity you place in, on circumstance partly due to gravity for you must place. A tree to hide the high fence whose shelter isa an abode dimly lit by the charcoal stove Boiling beans in the evening while the trees sway and whisper to my sitting  calm
How can I afford this, how can i carry all of me safely to this place without vestiges, I am able to say I dropped all that dream except this one, in my aesthetics , May I find peace of mind.
What do you do, when you  have less than 50 years to live how can I afford detach from the world even Thoreau felt pain after Walden and have to live with the Emerson, but did he did, O yes that he did. What does it mean to win at life - build house, and have children - There is a cheap version in having A room and a Parlour wob with 2 bicycles in an acre, save towards that.
In the damage of the social fabric of the Nigerian society with the particularism of Abrahamic religions led to a decadence and the destruction of souls damned and money grubbing the essence of living in lost completely in what can only be called a market society. So as we pile slaves for the industries we have to ask is this the life that was given  to us Or an invented concept we must do well to fight, discount and transcend this selfishness of the self, denying other s you.
They made our lives hard on purpose so we get the thrills of life by acquiring the basic things, just to make our life look interesting and that much meaningful allowing us to forget everything besides the toil, since they are the ones that sell the building materials, the perception of inadequacy, we stress and we sex , producing cheap labour. How do you make cheap labour costly Provide it with enough distraction and marijuana make it scarce uninterested in toil Reduce It’s population We have lost ourselves chasing valueless cash, imitation and the motif - wrong! Wrong!! WRONG!!!!
With noone to front and recourse to we have become fat, stifled and imprisoned on our bodies Nuclear family is a scam, everybody can do you evil, Repression is a business To go after sex is to go after life itself , repression be a damner. We must give entity-hood to the ethereal by powering mimic of the god in the person reducing restlessness and calming down the hyper-gamy as the pixellation of the images and vulnerabilities sates and fill the longing in giving love in its completeness, exposing oneself like a petal one feels deeply and is pelted precipitously by the drops of life, a flower complete.
The mind is a storehouseWe need to clean our storehouse and Put more things inside besides toil
The bear is very stubborn The eagle is mother, moon and water The sun our enemy
They  go for your conscience and sense of humour, so that you never go the presence of God again So be they applaud your heartlessness and lack of conscience selling your soul for money.
They enslave you by telling you to Free your self from the illusion of thoughts and illness of desires
Time ticks slower without the woman if all our toil is futile and it  is, then sex is all that truly matters
The Nigeria and the Jesus energy field where the image have become a demiurge
The African church mentality and the reification of the madness of the mind and masquerade pursing them, Masquerades are your ancestors when they pursue in the dream run to them and listen to them. Adorn yourself with bangles and chains Put an image of yourself high up and in the house and  safety pin in most of your cloth,Never suffer you spirit, buy good clothes, and shoes.
Life is a game of the returner To build house I have children
Babylon games ,bad jobs, no money, woman , election, and football  One maxim to hold to heart as you ply through life is Nothing good is ever fervently advertised, We could be more under the cloak of Buddhism m not a member of the state and it leaves me alone, For what is a state, could it be invented, by who; what is a god, could it be created by who? What is an ethos, could it be formulated and peddle by who? Who seeks to gain?,  and what is the true cost of labour?
The old world is where  Oda got his inspiration Giants and men walking side by side, the food was rich and sweet people were strong and lived free There was an old world, esoteric knowledge, astrology and astronomy  we have going about it the wrong way seeking rent When we are pirates, gypsies knowing that nothing is our. If imagination is better than knowledge, Why attack the imaginative, why create schools and ban marijuana Dream within reason, reason within limits Distance yourself enough  but take cognizance of your body. seek first the kingdom of the God, What is the kingdom of god if not the kingdom of man, As man is God the matrimonial home should be small, for the world is the playground . Like Solaris, man needs man ,They think it’s a slug fest but they are only punching themselvesLdestroyig their conscience no food will ever fill them
They are definitely coming back (reincarnation) I should feel pity for them Flood only through crushing the slaves car O take them for one budddahoodSoul has like  baby he said Yes you dog a bid done No one who has heard the lotus sutra turns back to an ordinary person Be patient, learn to want for the cyclical nature of life, be slow speed or acquisition there is time for everything, go with the flow An old man of hundred was son a man of twenty lifetimes irrelevance. If one preaches the  those who don’t have the capacity to understand they will slander it and fall into the evil paths of existence
Until we sate the animal we cant get to the spiritual for where there is no flour there can be no bible
They want we Africans to revel at the achieving the basic things of life, So that we can get a false sense of achievement when we own a bungalow, waste our lives building houses,seeking rent.
The governments are supposed to provide us with the basic necessity for us to live our life by,  so that we can focus on other higher callings but they wan to spend the whole of our life saving so that we can feel  a false sense of triumph when we build a bungalow That is why Africa can never be rich.
But, one day the spell will be broken  And we will know the fight that have always existed Caution for only a fool throwing grappling hooks at ether in perpetuity.
As hard as it seem you must watch them fall if not how can they stand The person and selfishness to make him as animals culled from religion Multiple duplication to increase atavistic and attrition brain wash education,Distraction to make life hard they are devils Ask the man In order for the man to be a poet he must inquire about himself and must be shielded from The economic s of thing to do so He must be given an open hand, made slow, and content
The place is like shutter’s island This isn’t a job it s a breaking of a horse Peddling of industries Hyper-vigilance, they are all in all time Never going home Deuteronomy 28 vs 28 Corporations employ children as children are pompous and easily to control Mistake sex stress more mouth s to feed
Data to watch porn with They are starving  to death they are plenty
How long will b you queue Homo evolutis The world is no more  walk past the sawmill and see trailers with fallen trees trying to re-roof the houses of poor potatoes see zealots share a flier gotten from the felled garden of Eden about a paradise Besides this one Kill your dreams you are just a man
Obsession is an occluder, they are attacked Women have egbe Woman is pride while for the man it’s anger Its  a devil, a waster an enemy of the good life How do you bypass 400 years of slave if a mind can only beget itself How do you stop being scared of the siren, they purposely made the siren sound that way, Because it sounds like a whip about to give a lash, it sends jolts to your mind.
The ambulance siren is different for a reason, they us want to run so that they can shoot us like they used to before, because it is imprinted in our mind Without loosing something, the mind is to be jumped start with music, liberating it from the shackles of the vestigial the burden of yesteryear, love is the pathway to embrace and bloom in full stretch And to take the arrows of ignorance in graceful poise.Acome albud and its pathways my revolution is over A child in the Acute vision is a crime docile mindfulness is madness Purpose is a lie The black man will our the irrationality ad the brutality While we slept we were being gathered in
On the path to righteousness Music is very important setting our children to the path of righteousness peddled reality need comparative living up and futile on moderation  heaven is a place earth is a place too why can’t we be friends with our kids man can’t keep a secret it seeps out of him at every pore do children have  a conscience or are they animals that must be tamed and be flogged but the Japanese don’t flog their kid and they are the best people we learn from imitation an eye that sees why when you know the game life stop picking you as a player that is this  is a game we deny it so it goes among you live is a society they are well hung their yoijoy the street went and must have her day a christianized world of abnegation is taboo the play and the calm Christianity is communism haunted by the ghost of the unborn sexuality and the spectrum how should the man we like the party of the monalisa say it as e dey your mind, you are just a corpse
an intricate painting with clay applauding poepole for live responsibilities they destroyed the south eastern economic twice no it illusory to think they can’t fight you and fuck you and the the same time
we live our empty back pockets waiting for a miracle The sex of the mind is all that matter
sex is the only thing hat matter is the mind fucking a bag of potatoes Table and chair
to athletes dying young Long jump revolutionaries who get the truth from
The thud of their bodies bodies to the earth.Grigoris Lambrakis and Emmanuel IfeajunaWe starved our ancestors and completely replaced them Killing the industry with weed cats, bicycle and music
In a life expansive, movement is the key Peddle reality the same mistakes as our parents over and over gain Weed cats books will replace the woman By creating the scarcity they create the lock onto the latch and population increase, the psychotropic cosmology means they probably using us to drill for oil in the Future Man’s lean towards idolatry means that he will look at the other as his problem rather than  inward as he should The biggest curse is may he be selfish We have to start removing the backward imprints on our minds Seeing a cop and running The hustle slavery and wickedness , they are imprinted to keep the image going, I am the man that became god I have looked for love in the wrong places In the eyes o f another hands of a mother But in failure I am set to rethink Look for it in situation rather than relationship, a box of my choice somewhere far from others In  books cats, sleep and a ready cup of coffeeTo the quieting sound of Chopin Debussy and Liszt To a quiet and peaceful of mind where the simplest action thought through and through The Nigerian is addicted to a place - gravity The money of a place the trade of cataract for a bungalow Tetris, Babylon games, what you suffer to build another will destroy just to build his own that Will also get destroyed, to sate what is in vogue, old plans ,new nylon Rheumatism and arthritis fro  a running water Sciatica for a fenced plot
A market society with back handed courtesy lo st money with money on the horizon
The mind is a storehouse We need to clean our storehouse
The bear is very stubborn The eagle is mother, moon and rivers The sun our enemy
They go for your conscience you ether, so that you never go back to the presence of God again these jobs they applaud your heartlessness and lack of conscience,
Follow dreams They can tie you down and kill you in this life
Gophers in the light Girl you stick in inifint Give your x Marijuana meshes what is in
In is very important The knowledge we take in is what the High will use to extrapolate the extra knowledge.\The world is a world of higher forces, Buy silver chains and earrings to block out the noise Life happens in circles And in Fibonacci sequences It must be polluted before it is found, the seed must die to give rise to the tree If a dream is to be found, it must be killed completely It takes five years for the universe to answer for those Jews knew that  where there is no flour there can be no bible In scarcity and making us hungry they turn us into demons
Far from the farm where our labour truly counts to Babylon to do the nothing bidding of the man In engineered scarcity they are the ventriloquist of blood thirsty puppets The world, their arena A god invented, a woman compromised When you want it you can’t have it pollution Allowing the seedling to die The Fibonacci circles and concentric circles3,6,9,Will be 3,6,9 if you have the patience to see it go full circle again The biggest curse to place on a man is may he be selfish, may he never see the things he can give For when he can’t give, he wont be able to receive and God knows the universe is
So bad at maths.I am welcomed to the limit of my strength, the killer of the buoy and dreams, sucker of joy.The Buddha said man leans towards idolatry,So protestanism have got to go.
Ever since man heard that God is a consuming fire and a jealous god we have
Desperately wanted to be a part of that anthropomorphism Flinging wrath and justices willynilly even when it is absolutely unnecessary Then you enemy becomes personified, close your eyes and think of your enemy Rather than think of overpopulation and mismanagement by the government
You think of your neighbour and make him the devil  This is the cause of racism and xenophobia.
Maya talked about the girl in the bus who laughed at every bump.
clowning making a fool of oneself for the fear of others to make oneself look harmless
I am not a threat to you. All I’m saying is only the music and marijuana that can save, only the music and marijuana can heal our mind and take us to the same level,\
We have to do it collectively and as fast as possible, only them can save us
for even writing is limited if i meditate and transmit my knowledge to the soul tree for all my species and race to us inception of seeping the idea jealousy is a thing so i might not be rebuffed
in the storehouse of the mind lies years of slavery they don’t know or understand money
archaic practices little alchemy for abuable
We must mix the blood of the African people to propagate the god race, tell the Organization of African Unity that the only agenda they should focus on is “ All Rails lead to Ethiopia”
All the blood have to come together, Masai, Senegambia and Congoid
Railways connecting every town in Africa is the only solution from this divide and rule imposed on us.
They know and studied us, that high twitch muscles means our care is an inflammation and when it is hindered will lead to our destruction, our love is subsuming and overwhelming, it means we have more people with ADHD, which we took to our content and docile with marijuana but to make sure we fill their prisons the department for corrections decide to run a strong campaign against marijuana and create the necessary conditions for scarcity so that we steal and perpetuate the image of the slave, and keep us in striped overalls.
They put weariness in our mind and think that we will stop but I will never stop, they attack my hologram with slime and heaviness but theirs is a losing game, for natty never and will never ever get weary.
