Circumventing From The Source


Did the wealth ever bring peace? - Siddartha
While walking one night, I asked myself one simple question, “ Is it still money we are spending?” in Igbo it is “Onwe ego ka di ni”.Can it still said that we spending money or we are spending blood, Are we being funneled by the Demon King who has taken charge of our world and made this beautiful place a cesspit of pillaging agendas. Gain, gain, greed and more greed and to what end?
During this last Eid Kabir, I saw littered in-front of some Supermarket, bones of cows and rams, they were sacrifice made for attracting more customers,obviating the desperation out there now for this “money” and to spend it all on Premium Dstv subscription - greed unto waste.
Shops are now the mainstay to survive the market society, for In Babylon, the rule is You don’t work, you don’t eat. But how far are you willing to go to brave the motif of homo economicus? and if you do kill, Which of these cars are really yours? How many of the mansions can you pocket and travel to the next state with?
You are being funneled - An agent of the Demon King who you uses you to fulfil his agenda of turning the entire world into one giant concrete prison. Deuteronomy said the sky above will be made of brass and the ground made of iron, with the way we cement the floors, build roads, and Elon Musk’s Star-link, haven’t the prophecy been fulfilled?
Do you think that the thoughts, the things acquired, and the achievement are really yours? Who strive to do, kill even and who remembers?
What has told you to build the fourth mansion, buy the 50th car, or the 10th expensive phone, Can you crystallized the sensation and relive them at will, Have they really made you happy? Isn’t it always on to the next one? Aren’t they are all smoke?when will you realize that you are a vessel of a demon, who is controlling your thought.
 What is the spirit behind the money you are speding? What does it want, who owns the money you are spending, where was it gotten from? Is it really money or blood?
Today, the Arabs are destroying football, paying outrageous sum and devaluing fiat currency worldwide and what do these players buy with the money- another phone, another car, another house. Because that is what the spirit controlling the money wants. Will they ever see people without clean water, little children that can’t read and write? Will they ever truly see?
The movie They Live is the only thing that returns to my mind and I remember the quips of the man on television saying they are conditioning the society to fit their agenda, changing the atmosphere and making us focus only on our own greed. Why haven’t we taken time to question the motif, status quo and status quo, with no end in sight and at the end of it all, swoosh down the drain, literally.
Our goal as humans should be to live with the bare minimum, enriching other people lives with the excess we are afforded before  we die. but we can tell something is wrong, when the poverty capital of the world is home to 7 of the richest Pastors in the world. Something is definitely wrong somewhere. You can see that Christianity is a demonic institution. It is  to me is the continuation of the slavery, and witchcraft practiced in Bahia, by children of slaves, it is the continuation of slavery for the black man, it was introduce in Africa by former slaves and what can a former slaver teach but the shackles of enslavement
We must therefore question the source of the money, The source of today’s money is deeply rooted in blood, Many corporation do sacrifices, kill rams, people and children to get money to pay staff, whose sole aim is to spend the mone8iy on debauchery once that money is being used to do something else, the person will run into problems, for the money has a spirit that guides it and it wants to be spent on frivolities, funneling you, making you think that you spend it when in truth, it spends you, It waste your time, your life and your mind.
So when you see the celebrities with cars that are bought in millions, don’t envy them they are being funneled, used to further an agenda. How can Nigeria carry the suffering of the masses in taxes, to build substandard road and have been doing so for the past 60 years if not that they are agents of demons,How can a man buy a house in the United states with ridiculous sums when his local community don’t have pipe borne water, hospitals
I found out about this, when I wanted to buy a plot of land, I had this money and wanted to use it to liberate myself form the matrix, at least to an extent, I had heard Culture sing about blood money and had first didn’t understand what he was talking about until recently. After making my decision, I found myself struggling to keep the money intact, I was confused. Why?
It was as if the entire world wanted to take the money from me, problems arose, my hunger intensified, and I literally couldn’t hold it in place, I struggled because the money was from a corporation and what it wasn’t being used for what it was intended  - onanism and debauchery.
It was hard but I eventually succeeded, laughed and said: Matrix-san, you can’t study the Rasta man!!
When you look at the world today, there is no greater irony that in the midst of unspeakable wealth our generation are the poorest the most hungry, ravaged,depraved and famished;the most hopeless, infantiled and ignorant where 75 percent of our generation will probably never own property in their lifetime. Then I found out after reading the Writings of the Nichiren Diashionin where he said the Buddha was forced to eat horse fodder, I mean even then? He said that Everything in the earth is controlled by the demon king, he is incharge the world and we are to circumvent the source..
In Nigeria the average person is red eyed and pot bellied eating and trying to bloat himself with the hormones filled meat, rice and beer.
Thinking he is enjoying his life, while Demons are using his carcass to drill for oil in the future (I know I have said it before and it sounds stupid) but you tell me, what is the essence of a bloated carcass if not fossil fuel. We are all just funnels, her today gone tomorrow, but the Nigerian funnel  thinks the froth is the norm and strive to fill itself at literally all cost, blessed is the funnel that knows it fate and don’t aspire for a brim nor a froth, knowing surely it will be freed off him, for he know that he is will surely die, he eats less, acquire less, practice minimalist living and enriches the lives of other around him, before he is gone from this world
I know a man who at 87 was asked what he will do with the money he just collected (rent) he said, eh let them build another house! he already has 6, why because the spirit contorting the money will not let them be, it is the reason Nigeria is a like a slum, no beauty just a deck of bungalows, no pattern
They are rich , but they are the ones that are the one still crying the most about money. they have been demonized and can’t think of anything else than to pillage and consume.
I dare you, to try and use your money to build water for a local community somewhere and be met with upheavals like never before - if you think I am lying give it a try. Not only will your own thoughts fight you, but people will literally give you hell.
Regardless we can’t be reincarnating in ignorance and coming back to do the same foolish thing all over again, we must circumvent from the source and break free and  break others too free. By enriching their lives, giving them books, give them music, and a better life when you already have enough. Why buy yachts, bombardiers and private jets when others have not eaten.After one house the will build another, we must therefore circumvent from the source if we are just funnels
The humans in this world are not up to 2 thousand and I'm not exaggerating, the rest are demons they can't sleep at night, Like the movie They live they have human faces until you can see through then by opening your eyes, Yes they live among us, acting like humans, but they can't feel anything or enjoy anything only suffering.The spirit is also responsible for the demonisation of those still human and will not rest until it makes Babylon out of every Zion, and turn every state into Lagos. 
By using the accursed individual to further its agenda, they’ll make you fat and stupid
Give you money and fame If you decide you want to break out they’ll disgrace you like Michael Jackson and Kanye West. Don’t trust anyone, Your parents are in on it, they too might are being controlled by the Demon King and they become the adjustment bureau to make you fat and stupid to keep you where they can see you, to kill your dreams, conscript you for the workforce give you a woman and demonize you, for a car, air conditioning, sex, “enjoy your life o”
which one? After all the countless other lives you have lived. They inundated you with sex and food and drink and make you servile and infantile to damn you in a bog where neither moderation, caution nor empathy is never found. How? Can one man own 5 iPhones, 10 cars and 20 houses and not see anything wrong with it, it doesn't make sense, It doesn't make sense, it doesn’t make sense at all
The source directs the funnel to think that the froth is the norm but every funnel that has inquired about itself knows that it is not a cup and everything in it must eventually come out. The funnel might get full for a while but it eventually let it all out. the funnel who knows itself and seeks little will be happy in his empty and abide peacefully
When you see them living and building the big mansions, they are funneled building the third or fifth duplex, without providing some kind of comfort for their neighborhood or community, pity them for they are being funneled, used as agents of the demon king
When you see them buying the 50th car, know that they are being funneled, they think they enjoy the wealth, sit in the car, eat the food or roam the mansions, but they can’t actually feel anything they are being used, To cement the floor, destroy the world, turn it into a cesspit of confusion, thy are no longer human they have been demonized.
The devil thrives in confusion and distraction and makes sure you never get to the presence of God , and for you to return to this accursed wheel, this farm. They all are the adjustment bureau for the demon king who set things according to his plan. Which is to give every person trauma and heartbreak and make them  become wrath,set buy as as a form of life and chasing after only their own greed until they become Kurosawa demons with horns that don’t allow them sleep at night They are all agents of the demon king until they are circumvented from the source.
Music and marijuana will heal you all trauma and and heart aches, and get you back to the presence of God, Fela once said everybody is rewinding we all have worked before we have been serfs before and we know that there was no gain there. But we forge on today again, making the same mistake and allowing ourselves be used by these demons because we forget who we used to be, and the precipices of our past lives. We have done all these before, been hypnotized by the Feudal lords, and still today we find ourselves as serfs to Neo-Feudalism
How do one circumvent from the source?
When you share music, plant trees, build libraries,schools and hospitals, you are circumventing from the source. As wonderful as these goals are, the funny thing is that when you try to achieve it, You will be attacked, You must be attacked, but you must forge on.
When you meditate and remain quiet, you are circumventing from the source, When you chant Nam Myoho Rhenge Kyo and practice minimalism you are circumventing from the source, When you refuse the overtime, and live within your means, when you spend quiet time with your family, help your community share the love that is in your heart, be content with what you have, you are circumventing from the source. Our enemy is not human it’s the one the gnostics call Yeadaboalth.
Sources from the Demon King are very flamboyant so anything that you see In society as the norm, renouce!. It is from the source it could be the new craze, traveling abroad, masters degrees, skin care they are from the source to waste your money on rubbish, inflame you with dissatisfaction and discontent, never taking stock,never counting your blessing, never helping your community,Always enraged, after your own greed, envious, on to the next thing, and never calm.
You have to circumvent from the source and free your self from the gyre of madness.
Take boiled marijuana and listen to Alice Coltrane Pharaoh Sanders, and weaponize your mind against the evil agenda, give peace to your soul and strive to  break free from the wheel of birth and death And store up favourable karma for your next life, for you have done all those things before,  be mindful, share, for nothing is really here.
