To Leave The Black Belt

Jacob upstairs, is having a rest - Culture

 The Black belt is the segregated areas designated for black people to live in, it is an area where black people constitute a majority, girded by an unseen line, that differentiate not only skin color, mindset, but also painfully destinies.
The black belt have been the subject of discussion in many Afro American writers, especially so in Richard Wright’s Native son where the Thomas's are affixed to an accursed fate due to the environment one finds himself, Initiated by a less than par education where one’s aspiration becomes limited and the only work to be found are either maids or chauffeurs, which surmises that the black belt is not just a geographic disposition but a mental one.
It is the acute inferiority complex that make us scared of  others, that made Bigger Thomas lust after a white skin, before snuffing the life out of her, it is the panic that led to him burning her corpse, it is sheer lack of a belonging, foothold and constant feeling of being lost int the world. It is the perception of inadequacy, the lack and the wont to do things rash, and the feeling that one is undeserving.
And it stems from ignorance, one perpetuated by making our schools not to tech us the right concepts, Liberation, Self Reliance and Entrepreneurship are not taught in the black belt so that you are made servile and conditioned for rubbish money.
The moment you realize your damnation and try to liberate yourself you are attacked with Willie Lynch’s curse,  coercing you to conform to the homogeneity of one’s environment, it is a bog.
Why are you trying to achieve so much, why not stay with us and chill, I’m poor you are poor., we can both be poor together, ehn ehn hahaha”
 Poverty, the life blood of the bog is taught in the church, poverty is taught in the community, poverty is taught as coping mechanism, for what else do they know.
The black belt is not just a place but a lid on how much you are meant to achieve, in this bog, it is a barrel of crab meant to pull you down once you are set to achieve something, where You’d even be careful, who  you tell your dreams to, they might be the ones who are determined to bring you down. Your parents don’t want you to leave, your friends too, but what plans for your freedom do they posit? none , only for you to do the job that they left, feed them and nurse their arthritic knee till you have one yourself, and inevitably become them.
No liberation, or out of the box thinking just a cesspit of idolatry where your concern will be an envious neighbour. Trying to bring you down to their level and have you argue about unnecessary things, just to keep you in the bog. Since you are product of your environment, you are more likely to commit or be victim of a crime in the black belt.
And when you try, It is almost as if society tells you to know your place you are just a labourer how dare you aspire for something better, It’s the spiteful judge sentencing Malcolm X for fucking a white woman, Garvey’s hurt at loosing Anne, for not being white.the entire system will fight your becoming what you aspire to be. This subtle know your place in every sarcastic guffaw, every stern look towards your direction, every Hello what are you doing here?
It takes constant reading to see the gulf in the difference, it shows in the brisk walk ,the choice and quality of clothing the rashness, and inability to be calm due to the years of living without a financial ballast.
The difference between you and them is simple: food versus experiences
The black man eats too much, and experience very little, hence his mind is always going to be small and lean towards small things, he gets his elation from the vagina and the high and can be quite content in the world he knows. He doesn’t mind the work if it provides him these comforts, and never question his reality. Marcus Garvey said Intelligence rules the  world, ignorance carries the burden which is why as a black man they are quick to offer you work, for they know that’s how you made it, with your brawn. So you rush off to do the work and never question the pay and they laugh “works every time”, but should you say NO!, why should I do this work it’s demeaning, hmm what would you do then?
What are you doing yourself? I'm just hanging around! Well let’s hang around together
They know that it is not easy for you to break years of conditioning, when they want to test you, they might act like a load is too heavy to carry, they know you will do it, Aww thank you. Tell them get a porter!!,It act like it belongs it belongs, Before you do anything ask yourself why are they not doing it, don’t do it too.
And your father, your fucking father is just so pleased that you are employed  you see the cotton picker smile wide ear to ear grin willing to trade places with you , in a systole “ at least they did not sack you” encouraging you to be just like him to have the hernia he had, to have the busted up knees and bad shoulders for the sake of sameness. No liberation just the succor of sameness You could be more intelligent than they are but due to the allure of sameness, never leave the mental black belt.
Knowing the harsh reality of things, I am not asking you to go to the Island and lackey unto the rich or spending what little you have living a fake life, I am talking about improving yourself, leaving the mental lid placed on you by the “virtue” of your environment and how to liberate yourself from slavish thinking and how to escape from the black belt.
It is not just a  place it is  a philosophy and those around you are barrel of crabs, trying to sate you and keep you in the bog with sex, food and drink. Run from those things so that you can attract a better. They know you don't belong there, but you must make them believe that you do. The black belt is what Jay Z is telling us to run from in his discography, to run from the vagina of conformity and the comfort of sameness.
I tell you this, you don’t know how much you can matter until you have some money in your bank account, it is like they  can sniff it. All of a sudden you becomes every one favourite son, cousin, uncle e.t.c, They will come with problems, and you will struggle to keep this money for you know it’s your liberation, that is the black belt. They will make you feel like a celebrity, run from the veneer of poverty don’t’ buy into  it ], all their flattery are the noise of corpses  Run from it, go after y0ur dreams
Tell them you deserve to be there
Leave the sex, masturbate instead. Sex with dumb people weakens and affect you make sure your friend is someone better than you are.
Leave the bog, sacrifice everything you have, Any cloth you are not using discard. Those things you don't discard end up weighting you and keep you in the bog. The rich give so that they can be lighter and move up a ladder.
The allegory of the cave means, No one will ever know you exist until you shout loud enough and the only way to shout is to reject everything that is given to to you In that reality Until you draw their attention through the law of attraction. Write down what you set to achieve and look at it constantly.
Who is that rejecting everything that they are dying for and what does it want. I want to be known I deserve to be known
Sacrifice and give to your ancestors, put dates and water at cemeteries, respect those on whose Sacrifice you exist, remain food in the pot for your ancestors and watch them uplift you. Your aura will attract the best If you polish it well enough. Don't let them calcify the beacon of your pineal gland, Run, escape from the black belt To do that you will starve, You will walk, and deny yourself some things, until you get there, if possible, eat once a day and never do anything that is dirty.
Until you break the chains and the clouds that make your heaven for that heaven of yours is just a sea and there is a heaven above that one. Master Qui Gonn said that your focus determines your reality.  Benjamin clementine left the comfort of his parents and started singing on the subway of Paris until he was discovered.Tell yourself that I deserve better and go for it, You don't have to steal, be prayerful, fast, and live a life that is clean.
Read like your entire life depends on it. Let no day pass without reading. Please Read black man  read. Always reject the extra work, and  do as less as possible, reject the wage or collect as little as possible, Don’t let them damage your psyche with work , or calcify your brain. Quarterly, make sure you discard something, it could anything even an old slippers ,don’t be sentimental about anything, as poverty is just another sickness of the mind.
Travel, don’t be caught up in the allegory of the cave, travel!, and save for travel every time, Own property, Buy land any land as land is capital or investment.
Mind you what I am teaching you is not a living beyond your means, but a way of living that uses the weaponization of poverty to subsist with the minimum available, to maximize one’s wealth while maintain the highest form of dignity and respect for oneself in the chase of one’s goals. The things that uplift us are rarely costly.
Music, books and marijuana: and none of these cost a thing.
Know that the white man have been reading for 400 years while we picked cotton.
You must be willing to equate that volume in a very short time span. Give them if they tax you and enter into your room and Starve, cry if you must every  Sacrifice is weight off your shoulder and it makes you lighter.
The Buddha rejected everything he was a Prince and rejected it all until he drew the attention of the Gods themselves.
He told them he deserves better and left the wheel of birth and death
You must be willing to meditate Starve and focus on doing good. If you are ever going to leave the plan that the matrix has set for you.
Let the matrix ask who is that guy that has rejected money, sex and drink.
Who is he,  let us know him. Malcolm X become who he is through the sheer strength of his will. He read till he had astigmatism.Marcus Garvey read till he was able to establish UNIA. Don't allow them to determine what you will be.
Make yourself light,  make your mind light,Take marijuana and listen to music until your skin feels ethereal and you will notice that people will give way when you pass.
 Become royalty, read until you upgrade your mind and shatter all the shackles of slavery. read till they  know that you belong with them,Listen to the music until you make up for what your mind was denied. And If you do, your  children will never have to go back to the bog for a mind can only beget itself, Lock yourself  inside your room and read, push the black belt away by always blocking your ears with music, when outside, Do not allow rubbish perceptions into your mind, the idle chatter, the cost of palm oil, the gossips of housewives.
Remember it is not the cloth you are wearing but the aura you are wearing
Are you a king, or are you a slave? Do you think you deserve it, go for it.
Instead of a masters degree, own a business, instead of expensive cloths, own experiences. Travel your country by road they are the same price, but while one is consumption, the other is elevation.
What do Kings and Princes do all day, they read. You also must read, reject the money, spend some hours everyday reading, it could be at night before sleeping. reject the money, reject the overtime, as you will only buy rubbish with it. What do you see littered in every poor man’s house- clothes, Discard all those cloths, discard everything and be light
Any one who is not your parent call them by their first name, you are an adult.
They are not your teachers.  be they a hundred years and you 20 years old. don't accept your reality Do not accept your reality at all.
Don’t follow the herd, think of a different way look for what others are ignoring specialize in it, In japan, there is professor of stones all he does is study stones, for 30 years until the day came that he was needed, when earthquake shattered a temple in Nar area.Become the professor of stone, pick a thing that you are the only one that knows about it in your society and be it’s king
They know you are good but they will never give you your due or respect, you have to carve our your own niche like Fela who created the shrine to play his music.
They had no choice but to go there and listen to him, they know you are good, but they will never give you they rather steal from you, you because they don’t want you to join them. Join them, leave the black belt for good.

