When The God Itself is Wrong

But Grandmother, What big teeth you have! Little Red Riding Hood

When the god itself is wrong, tell me what then will be right, inflation will skyrocket and suffering will be rife, common sense will be far, chaos will be common place with no end in sight.
You cant say you have opened your eyes until you question what is underneath the surplice, who is this God we are serving, I will like to know him I have very simple question for him
As a cathecumen introduced to the sacrament of penance, I used to cry to God to remove sin from me. please I don’t want to sin again, looking teary eyed to the picture of DaVinci’s boyfriend, I didn’t want to receive condemnation as Eucharist, but puberty was bludgeoning and I could go even a single week without throwing my Biro on the floor and spend quite the time, looking for “it” even though at it, is the better preposition. So, I grew older, church grew farther, silence became golden, I took marijuana and saw, that - there are actually two Gods. There is a real God and a fake God.
The fake God is know as Jehovah, but do we know that He is the actually a Devil, but necessary the devil, but a Demon. He is best described by Buddhism as the demon king, the one placed in charge of this world, He is two sides of the same coin, the God of capitalism, His image is the image of the blue eyed God who is the prison warden who watches all these things happening, He is a purist a strict and heavy handed and jealous god, the giver of commandments, and very stubborn. Allah, Jehovah, God, are all synonyms of the Demon King. he tempted Jesus but he has a createor the head creator.
The real god is Vishnu, one called Yatta, Odomankoman the He is the world, the head creator, the swaddle, the child the woman, which holds everything, the entire universe is inside in him.
The one who is the quiet place, the one who is always smiling, the little boy on the beach, where the sands of the beach are all planets and galaxies, the woman, the swaddling infant, the destroyer.
The Hindus call him Vishnu.<Even Plato attests to his magnificence and on hearing his name, it sounds right.
The world comes from Vishnu, He is the world. The World is in him the world is him- Vishnu Puranam
The first mans saw the world without error and saw the universe was perfect they then wonder someone had to have created it, and be responsible for the perfect mechanism of the world, for it look like everything was alive and contain an essence of something alive, seeds turn into trees, and create fruit and they know that the entire world is Vishnu, and the entire essence of the world is gotten from him. He is playful he is a girl he is wired form all of everything but everything is in in him.
After some time, some power hungry men began to inquire about the lesser god the one who is impetuous the one who likes cleanliness who came to man, and taught him things, this God who is a demon king decided to experiment with man, but Vishnu already saw that all he is doing even though it be millennial long, is just a learning, a conversation and a precipice, decided to let him be.The fake god is also called Saklas in the gospel of Judas, Judas he told Jesus, you know of the real god, you know people are worshiping the fake god One piece also highlighted this when Luffy had to beat Enel in Skypeia who was actually a fake god The fake god is about prosperity and power, While the real god is a farmer concerned with nature The gnotics call the fake God Yeadabolth which sh is the demiurge of Principa Discordia that makes sure that all of our perfection are denied. He enters and controls the mind of people through pride, Which is why he rules a lot of women, while in Buddhism he is called the Demon King
Knowing that love will conquer at the end. He decide to teach men how to circumcise, the occult, and how to enslave others. Africa has been made to worship a false god and engage this hate filled god who is actually a demon He taught them how to enslave us, a demon, the ne who loves chaos, a demon who deceives women and enrages men. He loves blood, war and chaos He taught them how to enslave us, To put cuffs on our necks When you listen to music, you neck is the first to go crack, It means you are breaking free from the shackles of 400 years The real and fake god We are supposed to be guardians of the earth, but the fake god wants us to bastardize the earth which is our mother, and blanket
Vishnu is like Hashirama cell, or in this case Hashirama soul, anyone can take form him since he is endless everything feeds him, the learning and unlearning of each soul feeds him so the entire world is in conversation and will eventually get to the precipice, that precipice is what he (Vishnu) can already see so he is never bothered he is too powerful, the destroyer. So this little experiment by the gods are not his business, he sees only in askhaya kalpas( billion of years in both past and future) so he is always pleased, everything seems the same, even if we who are the middle of his time scope are embroiled in a mire, he can’t see it, for We also will go one day. The Bhavaghad Gita says are we not going to be together at the end?, meaning after all these fighting of our duplicates and clones, our souls will still return to the over soul, the world is a game and everything we are doing is mainly conversation and a precipice.
But the demon king can be found out, when you go reject all that he offers, just as the Buddha reject it, Jesus rejected it, you reject sex, food, drink ,women and fame and profit you are attacking his status quo and he will fight you, Not an easy thing to do, but quite doable.When you go after him, he will make this world a bad pace for you, you will lose your spouse, your job, friends, Even the Buddha was forced to eat horse fodder, he can penetrate in to the minds of anyone and force them to do despicable things to you, Your parents will behave like strangers, your spouse becomes your arch enemy, Random people will be wicket to you.
That’s when I realize, It was the devil in disguise - Peter Tosh
There is more god in a marijuana plant than in all the cathedrals and churches combined. Christianity like I have said before is the religion of slavery, preached by colonizers and children of slaves (Ajayi Crowther et. al) it is the continuation of witchcraft from Bahia. They are demons who uses their witchcraft network to control people, They will invite you to their church, tell their fellow demons to patronize your business so that they can enslave you, and make you feel their church is the ticket to prosperity, then they take from you, through miscarriages, killing your children, sleeping with you in the dream, farming loosch through suffering as energy that they use to further their agenda.
They don’t care for money , they only care for suffering, they only food is strife and suffering and blood,and the demon king who is their god approves of and enjoys it.
Wherever Church is upholded like Nigeria there can never be peace, for it is the upholding of the demon king, which is why Christians is derived from the world Kristianos which means poor fellow.
So when Bob Marley said we fight against principalities and powers he knows what he is saying you can’t trust anyone, as your parents are also agents of this demon king,
You should know that even the gods are not without fault, so the demon king, be he a god is also wrong and have not yet attained Buddhahood, but since he is a god, he will rather use us to get to his precipice. For he can possess anyone he likes and use them to create turmoil and chaos. Since he revels in them.
They only know ho to prepare you for wrath, work, strife and a life of suffering, If you find someone you love, who understand you and will make your life a paradise, They will ruin that love affair to make you angry, focus you more on your work and make money and their conquistador agenda, This is explained partly by the movie “The Adjustment Bureau” the only thing you think about and further the agenda of turning the world into a cesspit of hell, a Babylon ] by building mansions, and cementing the floor.
Since the source of the money itself is blood, you are a funnel an agent of the demon king
And they have a network they use in communicating to themselves, in the movie they live, it was a watch, but it's more subtle than that it s the brain,m they pick on the waves like a radio
And attack you, I have had people who don’t know me from anywhere behave rudely to me, they know I have left the matrix and I see them. They have a network, and they are all in on it, they will use sex, drink and food to deceive and eventually conscript you into their demon-ism. Which is why the best thing to do when things are difficult is to renounce, allow them past for in every strife you lose a bit of your soul. I always drink salt water, especially when these demons send the waves to me, when all of a sudden I feel vitiated even to the point o acting foolish, unh unh something’s up.
I drink salt water and find myself vomiting thick saliva, my mother who didn’t know I was doing this, called me one day out of the blue and said, stop drinking salt water, I wanted ask like how did.. Oh! I just laughed.Then you see them acting somehow, Hmm they are relentless.
As a woman they might set you up to fail, they will link you up to a fellow demon, that act as if he likes you, fucks you and dumps you in the most shameless way possible. so that you have no sense of self worth, the same people will come and give you succor tell you of their own tales, (which is a lie) and preparing you for a life of prostitution using feminism, and a vengeance on men to goad you further. This demon king is the reason most people can’t find love, and happiness in the world especially so in Nigeria. It is the reason for the militarized tapestry, fencing of properties, the militarized type of conversation,Fear, greed, avarice and wanton lack of a common sense
And marijuana, is the cure, and yes I sound like a broken record, but believe me when I say it will be singular most important cure of the 21st century, which is why it is banned, it is the rememberer, the only way to break out of the conditioning of eons and see the plan of the demon king.
You should know the god is wrong when the poverty capital of the world is home to 7 out of the 10 world richest pastors. The god is wrong when people will rather buy private jets and yacht than feed hungry children, the god is wrong when the church will rather build churches worth billions than provide soap, food, clothes, and housing for children
The god is wrong when you have to burn a girl after apologizing for insulting your prophet
The god is wrong when a gay person is dug from the grave and the corpse is dragged around the street, and set ablaze. What kind of a god is that, it is not a god it is a demon!!
What kind of god watches, while women and children are killed in Benue and Jos, It is a demon.
I have written before about many theories of God, I wrote the algorithm, loving father and now I understand that there are two them of the daft demon and the quiet swaddle.
Vishnu is never worried as everything feeds him, He is the killer and the killed, the entire world is just a conversation and a precipice which is why he sired the Buddha, shakyamiuni himself only he have been able to arrest the demon king to know the world for what it is, to remove himself from the endless wheel of death and rebirth. to remove himself from this accursed game of monopoly where you strife to acquire and end back to the box, the box is your coffin, and then you return forgetting that you have done it all before and go after it with such celerity, that it is almost pitiful to imagine, in critical thought. It’s so sad
 I now follow only the Buddha and understand that I have done all these before, I don’t disturb those who strive, nor am I completely without ambition and enterprise, but i assure you they will never cost me blood, I will do everything in this life with moderation, have just one child build a small house, have bicycle and bike, meditate, read and leave this world as quietly as I entered it, all lackey to fame ad to
profit is for the foolish,if you don’t or can hardly remember Mansa Musa, no one will remember you.
An earlier posted thread on Nairaland posited that Christianity teaches people to move into the light, that is the wrong teaching, germane since they are also in on it and knowing that the light when a person dies is the lobotomy of the soul, So teach your soul, don’t lean to the light you will forget that you have been here Some times it malfunctions and YouTube is filled with stories of children who remember vividly their past lives with scars to prove.
I can only say I have been a fool for far too long, chasing after smoke. I am no longer interested, I just want to probably seek rent, read books, watch movies, listen to music eat very little and die, all the way chasing after my complete emancipation from the accursed wheel of death and rebirth.
To those of you still enthused, I salute you and wish you well on your hamster’s wheel, I will be alighting at this junction, it’s been 27 years of hoping, I am done. I want to thank you for the dangled carrot, it was quite motivating, but I know better now. I will be here at the prairie with my blunt watching the train take your round and round, till you reach your precipice and if you don’t alight, well, c;est la vie I will only pray for your mind to be attuned to the truth.
The worldis a business, the world is a farm, and human carcass are being used to generate fossil fuel. There are hormone in the meat to stimulate young adults to give birth faster, education is dumbed down so that the children are basically pigs, they are infused with sensationalism, ethnicism and religion, as the lilliputian egg, they fight over to make commonplace the art of war. Some of these children are used as sacrifice like a buffet of souls for the demons, and then they die, their souls forget and return only for them to do all over again?, Nah, that is too much man.!
I’m done, er yes, I will coming down, yes I’m sure, it was a wonderful ride, thank you.

