A Love That Commands


Love has a notch up
Where everything is ethereal
Where every essence feels to the touch
even machinery has a soul, a voice, a life
You can love a piece of rock and if you caress it well enough
it will tell you it's name…
You need grace to bend the spring of men, A Grace that stems from a love indefatigable..
Love is the highest frequency to operate on, many don’t know of it’s existence and very few get to live life on this plane. Che once said that to be a revolutionary you must have a love that is very big, A Love that can drown..
And I have found it’s similarity in the Buddhism’s Nirvana - a state of mind were everything in this world belongs to you. You find no need to struggle to possess anything of make anything yours by force. You love all things and seeing the ever eager child in every man, and their petty little efforts as just it. You smile at them for you know they will die and so will their children. So, you can give them the sands of this Saha world easily with the surety that they will still return it in the grave. You can smile knowing that, Nothing is ever lost
When Love is your frequency, all you do is transact and bend sand giving everything to uplift minds, discounting all to teach the mind and loving ever deeply in search of the tether in the droplets of the over-soul in every man, and when it sees you you find such joy that is not easily replicated. A Joy that says: I have spoken to myself, having  sifted through the sands of petty ambitions,  indoctrination and shrouds of distractions and seen myself in him or in her and just once, I also saw me.
Love is what give us the ability to bend the spring of men. You have to move up a frequency and become a god and for you to be a god.  A god should possess a tensile body and a  rubber heart to be able to take the brash ignorance of every man to move past the thorns to get to their roses. In this trail of imperfection we worship the man, assured that God is the man for we can’t claim love for the creator if we don’t love what he created, we take lessons from those who loved and taught us how they got there and by doing so that we can imitate them so we negate the  sand when are called out by our own struggles.
Be lofty in your outlook, be above them like the clouds so you can rain mercilessly upon them. Everything is about perception, the king’s hat is the beggar’s cup. Run away from selfishness, operate on and have a love as big as God's .
Tell them-  You don't have a thing or a purpose until I give you one, I am your god.
Run away from the norm, from mere pomposity and never take more than you need. Discount our scars and move forward.don’t be depraved in the search for money, as it takes blood one way or the other,  Like Dr Omalu, who shows love to his cadavers, say Love will teach me what to do  
One is able to possess that which one meliorates easily, seek to make people’s life better give them things. Love permeates all things send your love from far above where no man can reach, a love that can kill and you cease to be a man you become a god. A love that is curious a love that has expunged fear A love that can drown.
Brave your misery with grace, as no individual is entitled to command another respect except through pity and sensibility.
Being determinate that nothing  belongs to no one, detach from the  spittle of individuated specificity and surrender particularism, Reason can only be squinted by love and affection which are the powers to affect it, For in loves lies strength. Play the calm, let the sensibilities of our bodies serve as beacon of humility we can therefore truly reach the other by being true to your self. Get to the ground where clarity is found in stoicism and ascetic minimalism.
The love in your heart makes your skin permeable and you feel the truth in the essence of every sand, either thing and every man, their voices echo like the drum of  water that they are and you can tell the truth from the sound of their voice.
Man cannot keep a secret it seeps out of him from every pore, be ready to hug them , when you hug them you can tell the essence of hem, be ready to hug them in listening, looking intently at them and feel deeply sorry for them, by hugging them with your eyes you can see all that they are and it reveals what they hide. You are  a passerby, never believe that a place or a thing is too big to discard, Happiness means movement, always look at things as peddles in a reality.
When love kicks up a notch and craves reliability
Looks for men
Jesus looked for men, Buddha looked for men
Walking coups require love
The purity of love sees both ways
When you are man you become feminine
Like the androgynous gods
Kick your love up a notch
Move past the animal skiff and stupidity
Even the feelings can be found here where you are
Law Lovecraft the dedication of ant
You have slugged it out,
Putting one before the other and -
The tandem of action will have superseded luck..
Dealing with the spring of men, In love we learn how to control without furling them, we do not go for complete obedience or blind trust, but have a love and understanding that knows that their hurt means nothing, A love that expects, run ahead of and accepts it.
They are the personality and trains mne tno in your respect and your distanced quite, remain unsacked, Alone, you are limited, weak, and stern, but by making their lives better you possess them. Acknowledge heir trauma, and wait for their folly  it make ti head not if they ae not regarded as people , Young, they are on the up, smile control them Its hand to remain neck on the mindesst of pine Never completely trust them in taking you damnation  let them learn to find your own din in them control them their greed and be content be calm you cant do it all they are puppet like promising pups, sometimes they might  bark For surely they will all run off ahead, but surely they must return to the pace, direction and directive of the leader. In love you are their swaddle, their parent, their god, and they will return to you and accept your guidance.
By knowing your transiency in this world you can bend the sand of this world (which is literally everything) to possess the mind of God himself and imitate him completely
By rejecting it all, it comes to you in knees and you possess it without stress, By renouncing it, it sits there for your notice dumbfounded and await your notice and posits, By acquiescing your self with your imminent demise you can move from place, staining souls in your wake and possessing minds, commanding men in complete grace.
Humans are the manifestation of God, the droplets of god, who very essence is love, love is like a plant that needs light, light could be in form of money, safety, or trappings. when there is light the plant do well and love manifest itself truly but in scarcity the plant cannot do well and becomes mangled.
The Buddha said that people are the product of their deeds, their deeds and karma being chiefly  responsible for their lot in their next life, so while other countries protect the deeds of their citizens and making them saintly in plenty, blooming their loves, We have here the scarcity normalized, done so that we keep reincarnating accursed as the demonization that comes with the scarcity of love (light) from our parents, government  and society means we are damning our souls to an endless return  into hell and suffering.
Knowing this how could you not show love to something so cruel?, if it’s cruelty has been fashioned, how can you feel pity for a plant denied light, a love so skewed, a man demonized. God is beautiful, he is love forgiveness and acceptance  He is omnipotent and easy flow he is liquid and concrete he is the very picture e of all things he is sublime, To love is to imitate God completely, For love is pity and daycare love stems from pity is better as any love that stem from hunger doesn’t last.
Here’s why you should love something even when it is cruel, for when you love truly it opens you and transcends you. I implore you to seek that pain and go into it, bask in it let it shake your core Let it sear your heart let it petal and become a flower
Possess within you the patience and the thousand year view of God and to endure folly ant see it through. Make promise you can keep, never build resentment, always looking around, counting your blessing and seeking content for the motifs are always morphing
only God know what I will be in the future, for now here’s what I am, what I can do with it?
rehash and perch and never obsess for to form as Love and devotion stills us in the affordable and the sustainable for the peripeteia of life..
How does one become God , he seeks pain. searing his heart, allowing it bleed so that in healing it further opens up like a flower -petalling. It involves seeking the knife and lacerate yourself with it, saying and taking it as it is, letting the the truth set you free.A lot of people are afraid of this kind of love but that is the baptism that makes you transcendent and the experience which makes you god above your assailer.
Now that you know don’t hurt the man is a call to God to drown in the pain of devotion and wash your psyche clean to look at the true heart of things and get to the core of every individual pitying them and loving above them. Pain takes you above that which you own reference to.
Man must walk to become god You must be ready to starve and walk your path alone, to develop what I call the gape.For it is called agape because it only works with a gape -A hole that every jab of ignorance and depravity can only plug for a while, a gully that can ever be gashed anew and tickle at every  jab.
The human body have a lot to teach as the muscles are mud of the past and the wringing of them can calm us, down at our soles are the pressure pad of the brain, walking is molding it and smothering the ego, teach us and them some. Like the high jump revolutionaries, we must jump at the every avenue to love that which is cruel for in there lies our own blossoming and elevation.
If one is to have a love that command, you must learn to love that cruel thing, by going through the fire of pain again and again, learning lessons and precipices. Since The Bhavaghad Gita says that the all action lead to knowledge the only thing, In loving we know, in love we familiarizes, bend, command, transcend.
