Threnodies Of The Damned


Religion is the opium of the masses, The return of the repressed - Karl Marx

Hunger in a voice threats on a speaker
Another morning to bray, same person as yesterday
Chased out by hunger the clairoin call for the fiery hail
For why not immolation, at the absence of hope
Tears line the face of corpses 
When they find out the lie at therapture
“i gave you land, water, sustainability and a conscience
You were me all along”
While the white man enjoy his paradise Here-
Da Vinci sells another painting, erect another church.

A  witchcraft that a demon uses 
To perpetuate evils for floozies, religion excuses
A Jesus far from the character,- 
But a coup on the minds of Africans by Djinns
Cementing the farm land, a civilization of hunger
for a gay demon obsesed with suffering
fucked -
Your father, and grand father, and did not cum
Priests pumping out pure elixir via pedophilia
energies fields for retards in surplices, end up in Rome
loosch for a money Babylon designated, Doom!
Poor funnel dancing in an aisle for a mechanic’s gain
Spending his existence as commerce, his entirety: joy?
Free dumb, a false purpose the caging of a restlessness
thnking you spend, all the while being spent
All In all,  conversation and precipices
This is incase if you wonder if a conditioning can stultify
I see the reincarnated in uniforms returning to the prisons
To pray again, to clerk again and be spent again
dying as caterpillars.
For where there are no basic amenities
The people will look for excuses,  look for sins
consider their shadows one, themselves wretched
Withered in a rat race called work, catch, fetch
For where there is no education 
people will prodded to resignation unto slavery 
Sheeped oout of their treasure to killing cities
To roam a bike in circles, Stand in a uniform, retched
To earn in stress and procreate in excess
So that the son of man can buy private jets
We sons of dogs, and cattle
Killled and used for pawns in senseless peaces?
And our mothers retie the same wrappers for decades
Instead of crying she goes to the middle of the road
To call for snake hagging horses?
Demonic government  killing with praise and worship
repression wrung hysteria, no simple answers evade simple questions
We will seek fault in hunger dried rectums, join our aged mothers 
On the road with speakers and shout 
Repent Repent Jesus is cumming soon!!
Who will tell her it’s tomorrow in Australia
He didn’t cum,nor will he ever cum.
Till we die, and an amoeba becomes a dinosaur
And a tadpole morphs into a thieving pastor
Still we join in the threnody of the damned

Repent repent Jesus is cumming again
It is your fault that he has not yet cum since, 
your sins are too much, Spread your asscheeks 
After fucking us for more than two thousand years
He has assured us, he will cum again
Brothers and sisters Jesus is cumming very soon !
After shouting all these years, surely our salivas lubricate him,
Instead of armagedddon, tell them to give me food?
He has promised us that he is cumming !
Good education?
He is cumming again…

Give me housing 
Jesus is cumming soon !
At least give me clean water?
Wait, he's cumming soon
Other countries have clean water!
He came before and he will cum again
Well I watch, and wait for him to cum
But it will not be me he will be fucking.
