Dostoyevsky on Speed; Sakamoto Desu Ga? Review


A Meaningful life is a dedicated service to others done with the grace and stylishness of a traveling act.
Gintama described life as having a weight without which, there would be no reason to live. We crave company and want to feel needed, So she might complain Rochelle actually likes to do her chores.
It gives life meaning, it warms our heart and satisfy us deeply. You do the good, as goodness is the physical representation of the beauty inside of you, and your cleaned little corridor sums up the collective good.
The almighty God in his wisdom have put me here and I must do the best I can were Chinua's words in the Squandering of riches.
If there was never any riches and bulk that were there have died, this temporal stewardship only afford us with just enough time to clean the place in the world where I am found. What matters: actions Stylish actions..

It has been the norm to self preserve and complain when the work is shared to us, and we imitate even when the languid empty haunts our exempted selfish. Our conscience pricks us, we look for a reaction, it isn't found we then keep malice and overcompensate.

Why not do the simple thing, the simple and direct good. A measured expense of yourself for the right amount of gratitude, never gloating or in expectant of the grand.
When they complain about the work do it for them and steal the meaning of life off of them. Take the experience and it consequent knowledge

Who needs us? The birds, bees, your neighbour's dog If you so wish. The trees, and your community.  While others remain embattled with foolish pride you put up an expense in thinking and doing the good. A life emulous, and in service to others a8 when they are bemused asking.. wait?
who are you? You tell them, Haven't you heard I'm Sakamoto.

This is a wonderful anime well worth the watch. 

