Quotes XLIV


There is a continuity and a horde we feel in our reading, that is piled for our reincarnation and the uplifting of our collective racial consciousness
Love will always teach you what to do.
A structured life is a life impervious
It is  the same soar for the eagle, wherever it finds itself
The surfeit of art magnify and empties, litter kings and abounds civility
Your work is whatever you say it is, if there was no money, there always was a peace of mind
It is only mysterious in concealment, in determined inquiry it is as bare as paper on a table
In any kind of prison you find yourself in this life, keep reading sutras and vedas
Humans were the gods in the Vedas the battle of kill come deftly reincarnated we just forgot
Self deception can be backed up with a stoicism which sets an altar where there was none and self discipline Is the ethereal rung
The demon of prod, sometimes you guile but you don't do it twice shame on you
Off all wealth, Only Spiritual wealth is unassailable and permanent
While you are thinking me gifted, All l did was destroy my ego to make my vessel more pliable
Light, look for a vantage point, you can only change the world from a secured cocoon
The Buddha said: An arrow drawn back is only propensity for  it to go further,  But you must be an arrow.
We have enslaved each other in one way or another, Learn to take the hard times it is the MYO
Educating a  person can change their destiny, Teachers are invaluable and they suffer for it.
In the hug, buoys the love care and the affection that have set men apart
Give money to your children teach them how to manage and still it to make their mindset lofty.
Strength is in the beauty and grace despite all
They are animals coming from a past life with past karma be gentle with them, Remain truthful as they pass beside us in hand or without
Make sure you write it down before you spend, Allow common sense filter the spend before it is done.
Robin Hood stole the accrued jewels of the rich because he was more of a lout, No carapace is unshaken, beware of he who divides the jewels in  the mud without ever knowing its name.

