Benjamin Bloom posited that good education that must guarantee the all round development of man must tick boxes in the cognitive, affective and psycho-motor domains. The white collar climb the over production of diplomad duplicates of the dog eat dog dung, have tilted the scale in favour of the cognitive alone, Education becomes an academic race that drones and prepares the child for servility and the workforce completely relegating the development of the affective and psychomotor domains the part which really holds up the humanity of the person
With the over production of Internet and media they are never at rest and by cementing the floor and littering the world with bungalows we eat and encroach into the little playing spaces that would have afforded this little ones some form of respite.
The bulk of the Gen Zedders have had to grow up disjointed, arrested in a clime over sexualized. They are mainly in the fray with sex and the internet as their minds are either fried or sleep deprived It is a well machinated prism designed for the destruction of their minds. From Sex and its performative conditioning by the church, Sex the internet ad the school, to sex Boredom and the television at the house. Their minds cannot breathe and their achievements and experiences are at most narrow and meagre.
Children in Nigeria have been made to forgotten about their Psycho motor and affective. Thanks to Japanese Animations which still find and retain for the few the meliorating affective, but the psycho motor is lost completely. There are certain lessons that arm wrestling, tug of war and ankle twist can teach.
I Used to play after na one and in it learned about betrayal early, I call on taught me the determination of an acrimony, by seeing a friend run and  somersault just to land where you are even in the midst of other closer options for tag. It was the revenge, the use of our hands and our minds, it was forgiveness, knowing our limits, the undulating feelings and going back the next day to learn them all anew as the microcosm of the larger game called life.
We must protect their play as It is very important for their brain development. Millennial as the new earning adults, are tagged with such a heavy burden as we serve as a bridge between two completely different worlds.We must remind them of the world they lost, and still be gentle with their minds because for them this is uncharted territory.
We would do well to move past the solipsism of ownership, the buying of land should be centered on parks, playing spaces and custodian should be selected to go after the remembrance of our play and past times, Protect its uniqueness and the togetherness to gave to us freely,  Back to when we didn't need permission to be looked at, pushed, brushed against and rest our hands upon. Today we are now in a war over our own humanity, our own brotherhood and our own love.
we must protect the play for our future generation keep finding the world a little too militarized and the fencing tapestry and office and military environment encroaches not only their physical but mental space.
Its a game, it is a spiritual game, .... we call it the Underground Spiritual game - Fela Kuti
One should be well versed in the balance of living in as much as thing are expensive we cannot lackey into the commerce that is now seen as a way of life we must draw moderation on our own  consumption and glean out a life, and a better of relaxation and succor. The ceremony of living must be relearned and preserved grace must be taught and mastered again completely
Music is the swaddle of the mind, The music is the glow in out vessel, which disintegrates the fences of the mind, nourishment of the heart, and sets fire to the soul
Becoming more spirit than man,  And as such, I penetrate into the nature and essence of things.  Look at the brotherhood of men and see that commerce have destroyed them.
A culture without its songs is a culture lost How the indigenous people of Northern Nigeria particularly the Berom people have become overrun by a bastardization of cultural songs  They were enslaved by a lack of music in their minds We must strive to look for songs of the Berom, Tiv, Ngas, and other christian communities especially in Northern Nigeria where their indigenous culture are attacked jointly and displaced by vitriolic christian on the one hand and blood thirsty Islam on the other.
Dogmatism and orthodoxy have supplanted them. because they listen to orthodox and hypocritical christian music, it retards and cages them, whenever they play the music it serve as a check to others to think and behave a certain way multiply that by a thousands you have men reifying a collective prison of sound wave participles. he music allow them to behave a certain way mostly like  secondary school student And its ensure the safety of the usurpers among them. The Jumonji and the Yoyoi analysis made by Okamoto Taro in the Tower of the sun gives emphasis for the cultural lifeblood that exist in cultures that retain their wildness and are able to pass down the virility of their uniqueness to the new generation without the contamination of civilization. Where one contains the joi de vivre of the people,other is a rather domesticated replica, and all that was inferred from sculpted vases. A people without knowledge of their history eventually will become lost, our cultural songs are the life blood of our community, They are encapsulated time machines for one to remember who they are in their past lives Kohei  Oguri and Yasujiro Ozu made it a key point to add sung music by Employee at the close of work, the songs being sung by its people are intricate to the plot, they hold and tells the story and the struggle that molded its creation and in the history in which it is equally woven
my Grandmother used to sing a popular song by Igbo women who attended meetings in Igbo quarters of Uromi, and as she sang, You felt the heaviness of their two - wrappers, the surety in their voice, the food in their very postpartum bellies, distended legs being dragged rhythmically on red soil and feet tambourines jangling in rhythm to the praise of sheer living, and i could see all these, just by listening to her sing.  this rich and liquefied history is what we lost in the noises a la Ron Kenoly.
If the ministry of tourism weren’t filled with said usurpers and strangers, they would employ and appoint people to go to the villages to collect and record these cultural songs before they are killed off without being documented.
Our cultural songs serve to attune you back to who you are, firmly reattach your root to the land, Re- acquiescing you with the your past toil and the call for continuity and it is very important. Colonization by the Yoruba by allowing their songs proliferate the radio and their movies the streams and television they created the new Nigerian thug that don’t take the slightest inch, conflict ready fetishistic and petty spiteful.Colonization done by the Yorubas on the people of Plateau, using Church and Orthodoxy  they came there and controlled them, made them forge their own history completely supplanting them and foisting on them a prison of orthodoxy.
The difference is that igbos have a culture rich in music and it proves all the difference Since Hausa is implanted  on people who aren’t Hausa, it doesn't sync well with the mind line of  the indigenous people it being a language of commerce. They now have a generation of people that can't remember their traditional song and dance, thanks all the more to the phone which killed the night stories and didactic fables in families, leaving us with work centered functional  drones without a past to call their own.  Fela was right, Music is the weapon of the future, for the war of the future is a war over our own damn minds.
The human is made up up of sound wave particles, you want to know a man?, ask him what kind of music he listens to, and surely he is a going to be a by-product of it. Music about hustle, revenge, Schandefruede are played constantly on Nigerian radio to reify their madness, make them crazy and conflict ready, and for what? Nothing. Knowing that the person is a product of the sound that enters his mind, it is not inadvertent that is the sound approved by the establishment, For once it makes them restless, angry and foist the contrived desires that keep the capitalist game going. watch the music that is being played in tandem with the hypocritical gospel on the airwaves constantly and Eventually it creates the group mind, the mind controlled by Dagon itself.
 Nam Myo Rhenge Kyo is a severe cut in to that mental strand and tether It's a sword piercing repeatedly at the of the establishment  and they think it is innocuous but on hearing it, It will awaken in them the path of enlightenment.  For the Buddha made it the teaching of a thousand kalpas and summarized it into a single moment and made enlightenment so easily and so simple it is in seven syllables. In this jail cell of a life, its the ultimate freedom. When you chant, You might look harmless but in the real sense of it you are an assassin attacking the heart of the establishment without anyone knowing, Nam Myoho Rhenge Kyo is the sound incense sanctifying the environment they underrate it but its very dangerous. A virus for those that like to listen in, One becomes a walking virus in this matrix and Nam Myoho Rhenge Kyo the alleluia to bring down this wall of Babylon.
It might seems harmless for a man to sit and be chanting the same phrase for hours on end, but it is the most destructive things that can ever be done. I infest their psyche with the chant and they will find themselves chanting it in their dream, while I expunge all my fears at the same time. Sometimes, I dedicate 2 hours of my life to destroy this evil hologram of the Dagon the god of capitalism. No one can say stop chanting because it is not a crime, But it is a crime, the most criminal act of all. You are injecting and cleaning the entire mainframe with a solution so simple it's in 5 syllables. 
Since everyone has the Buddha nature by chanting you're turning your land into a pure Buddha land and as they listen to it, they are reconfigured and are tuned into the path of enlightenment The human being is mostly made up of sound wave particles, the right sound leads to the right path for the solution is always within and in chanting we clean our minds eye see the treasure that we have before us, and build a world that we can proudly leave after us.
Taking photographs with my camera,  moving from one state to another every 3 months, Remove money from the efforts and go back to the lies and games and enter man to math that are free blink of the eyes
The trunk human games long walks and save the little we are afforded for we will never be rich we will be far equipped to live good lives in poverty
How to make do with the salve whole subsisting with the circumabulating around the annular with you being overly pristine. The salve have to be mental must be mental for all orgasms are fleeting, to attain higher orders and reasoning for it takes nothing to attain the sensate it must be relegated for it is solipsistic and never be tether. A land a plot a house a wife and two children at most, Bicycle and trees in 5 places, i.e 5 Waldens could simplify life as how best to actually live it.  Investment management and land banking give the strict don’t be caught up in the bloat and illusion, travel if of all life is a contemplation and a passing sigh, we can as well do them in five different places,chasing new suns, picking up on left accumulation of travels, passing time just be free. To enjoy the freedom of life as cheap as possible, sucking at the marrow of life according to Bergson can money really assure or insure only knowledge can insure A fence of spruces a room and a bicycle inside for 3 months in a year  be the sign of land piracy at it’s finest
Both in states of moderation  and bicycle and camera by force life becomes an Investment Management, You are here to pick the apples, over there in the 3 months time to plant some
Catch up on the cold in the state.  Rather than building a mansion this is far more better than healthier
A  Sleeper with pen and These days I prefer the dream with growing up I used to  good English teacher who talked about getting  messages  from the dream the send and like many other things you eventually come to agree with.
In the world we practically drive blind into snares and sting operations set by demons, save for dream and certain warnings that give a last minute turn and near miss to what would have been fatal.  A life of spirituality is sacrosanct to living a long life on earth, it is a not a guarantee, but it protects all that is humanly possible especially in the advent of wife and children, and it is not the complete removal and expunging of every thought which is quite impossible but the commitment to the good and self policing of doing to others the way we want to be done to.
And we have the dreams, they permeate our minds in the sleep and tell, warn and teach
I always sleep with a pen and paper beside, so I can write things I can get from the dream, A form of oneirancy that is now a major part of me.
Dream is destiny is the first  statement of the documentary Waking life My room Me I put on the sleep I could and play my music so my dreams have nice soundtrack and the fluidity of my mindscape flows with what is being played, necessary conditions for the ideal dream state
Engineered nightmares litter our childhood where you are screaming at your parents watching television and they don’t seem to hear you, just when you are about to shout the blood of Jesus, they seize your voice,sometimes when you are thinking about saying it. Ask any random Christian you find and they'll tell you they’ve had that dream, Christianity is the biggest witchcraft there is, either that or a masquerade chasing you putting gear in your life so that you are more firmy attached to the thieving Pastors  who lie that you are being attacked by your family so they separate you from them.  When you leave that energy field and upgrade your radio those dream seem to just disappear.  Engineered by Dagon the demon god of Christianity to funnel followers to the church since I left the church, haven't had those
Those nightmare portend the reality, and the fears being indoctrinated in us in the name of religion. The dream world is the real world, this world Is just manifestation everything happens there, he world of thoughts and trance The illusion happens there,the world of thoughts and trance The Reflection of the mind the person you are in the dream has a bearing on who you are in life Here are some personal understanding of dreams for your future perusal.
Faeces in the dream is a sign that money is coming your way
Pepper in your dreams means suffering or something bad will happened to you
Palm oil also means the same thing so brace yourself for impact
Women and sex are often time characterized as dogs in the dream for the man
Eating yam, rice and sweet in the dreams foretell something good
Basically this world is divided into two, there is the manifestation and the discussion The first world is the spiritual  world, the discussion and the other world  where the sun and moon rises
Incessantly the discussion is where we see intention  where people’s thoughts punches and kicks Listen you are do music to sleep every time partake in the discussion
You will say the weirdest things and no one  will laugh at you  They will agree. Welcome to the dream world you brain  have been activated for the higher network
By raising my life to a very spiritual level, I can see some hints into what might happen or things that need my cognizance and attention.
Because of this practice, I refrain from doing wrong, so as to close my spiritual eyes, and I survive my day to day making use of omen and hunches I had a strange dream and trying to get to work my sandals gave way on my way to somewhere I just decided not to go, to my advantage in latter realization, Reflection cultivating a quiet and listening to the small voice even if don’t it favour you, Everything feeds you. To Know when its  time to move on, become a part of  Oneirancy naturally. Some dreams are implanted by the Ogbanje movement to confuse you, but in reflection some of them end up feeding  you  So I write it down no matter what it is in time I know the right path to take
i have met Fela,Andrew Hill and Alice Coltrane in the dream Using jazz music to swaddle the ghost they will turn in Andrew  is quite strict in the dream His music works for behavioral systems engineering  His music is important for the transcendence of mental layers and barriers
Psychotropic music and taking coffee before bed also help your dream state makes it feels like you are speed dreaming. A lot of Visual artist credit dreams for giving them inspirations as the Avatar movie was initially a dream of James Cameron.
A view into the world of thoughts must be studied as Dreams have a lot to teach us, Salvador Dali made it his life mission to understanding the double meaning of dreams the plain and connotative or intent meaning and charting them along psychological planes much to the amazement of even Freud.
I am nothing always happen when I have a sleep without dreams, for many time, the little hint is all that is needed to save you from a whole lot, as it exposes what you would not have seen in the shroud, and I do believe one’s purity is the eternal gate-pass so I extol it’s maintenance.

