Nichiren, Jung and The chanting of Nam Myoho Rhengo Kyo

The Lotus sutra is the sutra that contains the mind of the Buddha as ordinary person it will be foolish to think we can attain the Buddha's mind just imitation, By remaining still and attaining liberation, while this is possible for some,many cannot do this, which is why the lotus sutra was propounded as the singular vehicle to ferry all sentient beings towards liberation, It’s Daimoku is moksa broken down into 5 syllables of Nam Myoho Rhenge Kyo.
By chanting constant we give credence to Carl Jung’s theory of an attainment of a higher self, in which the ego must now take a side bench and watch the new personality at work. Fighting the process of this identity (ego) swap leads most times lead to insanity, however understanding and allowing this  seamless swap and control of the new self much to the amazement of others, we dare not say: I'm also meeting this me for the first time. In essence we chant up the ladder to our higher-selves, to go and proclaim the prophecy of the Buddha of our attaining budhhahood not by remaining static an trying by imitation to become the Buddha’s mind but knowing our place as human and it’s inhered frailties to chase stumble and fall,and keep chanting. Like a man in a blizzard guided by a rope, we keep clinging onto that rope, using it to pull ourselves towards liberation, but we must first accept our weakness and the blizzard that is this world; built to blind, push back, and stultify
With every chant we are reminded of our rope, especially when we fall, stumble, and have but no choice than to crouch in cover. This is inline with Jung’s theory of a higher-self, the chant becomes the pineal gland’s polishing and beacon tap calling on to the highest manifestation of our self. Using the obstacle as the way, seeing it as the myo, which propel us even further, We find succor in chanting as an arrow pulled back
The man I was 10 years ago is not the same person I am today, a lot of things have changed in me from perception, mode of talking, handwriting it is almost as if I am another person, but this new person performs action and all I do is spectate. They call him me, but I know the inhabitant of this body is new, and many more other persona await the pull of my chants to further solidifying and reattain my lost nexus, It waits for the steady climb amidst the noise and shrouds of this life.
Through the constant chanting of Nam Myo Ho rehnge kyo, we reattain that buddhahood and I see it as the only is the only way. Any other way rather trivializes Buddhahood as something that can be attained by mere imitation, it is a flawed thinking and destructive self deception.
You a re just human, you underrated what it means to turn the dharma wheel, What the Buddha was able to do. Because dharmas are so light, and ethereal, rejecting it is like blowing hard on a web like noose, made up of contrived desires that keeps falling on your neck, since you are handcuffed you can only blow up on it until it falls away from you. Sitting in meditation can do a lot but it doesn’t take into cognizance the limitation of sentient beings, Nam Myo Rhenge Kyo on the other hand understand how hard it is, which is why it is simple. I notice ants crawling on my hands and tablet when I read sutras almost as if they are trying to awaken for themselves some form of liberation. I won’t be surprised, for the Buddha is that wonderful truly the father of all sentient beings.
Sounds upgrade the individual The right sounds is a form of pineal gland polishing, reattain and returning to the highest manifestation of yourself. The Daimoku becomes the  right sound to tether you to that upward climb, That you previously never even knew existed. A climb to that which is glorious, impervious and god like which is why I call it THE REMEMBRANCE
The journey of man back to being god, it going back to remembrance, until you finally say truly I am He! The lotus sutra is the Ultimate remembering, You frequently hear the Buddha say in this sutra  I have not revealed the truth, why? because i have not remembered it. He finally reattained it in the Lotus Sutra and he remembers that  I am the emanation of all the buddhas, and I have achieved liberation many kalpas ago, A in-depth study of other sutras will show some angered side to the Buddha,some vituperation and outright chastising of women, But The lotus sutra is the remembrance, it promises liberation not just for women but for all sentient beings, Understanding even the wickedness of Devadatta as training saying  They all are my good friends, why? because the Buddha had finally remembered
The Buddha came down from his glorious form, put on the forgetful human form, and go through that hindrance to remember who he was with every teaching as a skillful means for us human beings  to know and remember the upward climb toward our own liberation and Telling us to stop the amusement and play that have imbued us in samsara; the burning house. Rely on the law and not on person Focus on the lotus sutra, not the imitation of the Buddha For we too have a attainment to get to, a godhood to remember it is in the studying and chanting that we can see and also climb those forgotten rungs out of the blinding cave of recurring alimentary existence. By so doing we become the The EXPIATING PIPES
The expiating  pipes injects itself in the over-psyche through the reading of sutra and vedas they will taking  away the hatred and pain out of it, in dry heaves. Allowing the diffusion of the little peace of mind needed for contemplation, As we serve as the conduit and outlet through the fiery reading of sutras, removing rusted pains all the while they attain the glow of the glazed pipe.
