On The Utopia of The PLATARBEEN states


Seeing my sheer powerless with the way the world is run, I proceeded to dream up an utopia in writing, An exposition of a dream world the way I would have it seen. Understanding men to be products of environments and behaviour, I posit carefully arranged foundations and casting that might mold for us a future that we would be proud of. Using the scarce resource available to us as Africans I found out that under the right guidance and tutelage we can tend to ours within that scarcity with a self reliance, understanding and determination that would fashion out a beauty that the coming generation dare not joke or tamper with. Creating therefore an aesthete that would elevate us, attract us the admiration and respect of our counterparts wherever, whenever.
I call it the utopia of the PLATARBEEN states, for my favourite part of Nigeria which are the states of Plateau, Taraba, Benue, and Enugu due to their proximity, similarity in languages and climate. And in my elation, I don’t mind if it is achieved besides, Like a society within a society, it could be found in still very turbulent Nigeria without affecting the existing structure of the state, For a country consists: a currency, a legal system and a medium of information and you too can have your country besides Nigeria.
Firstly, as black people whose mind have been calcified with centuries or slavery,colonialism and Neo-feudalism, We need to urgently legalize marijuana and make Buddhism the state official religion. These are essential to guiding us on the right path towards liberation, as they will serve as the building blocks ushering a country that is truly free, given our past history of brutality, slavery and widespread bastardization.
Using bicycles to wring the physical to get to the spiritual, when we legalize marijuana and there will be no need for soldering or police, and under the cloak of Buddhism The psychology of egolessness Is imbibed as behaviour no matter what religion they might prefer, it will serves as the best foundation of a new syncretism
Money  is outmoded and all transaction are done online and on the phone, essentials only buying as less as possible. The goal should be self sufficiency and self actualization, bicycles and music players, farming, leisure, reading and moving beyond the protestant ethic and capitalism.
The PLATA (money) is the digitalize currency and it is expires every month With the highest form of it to be possessed will be 30 thousand To protect against the whims and caprices of inflation  To be paid to the student for labour an exhaustible cannot be stocked up
Unsure of labour money is supposed to finish and it cannot be transferred, To be used  for clothing, food, capped at 30,000 plata per month
No private property and housing is provided for every one in a estate blocks , while the ensuing lands be used for  parks, permaculture farming, and sports
Every house must have a tree and be given a Bicycle, Books,(Walden, Self Reliance and In Praise of Poverty) an Ipod and  a Radio and a speaker. The radio stations must be monitored and mostly play classical or jazz music for the continued improvement of the people minds at all time.
With an allocated farmer’s guild every family labour will be protected with the cheap of the food provided, so there will be no exploitation of the people since the basis necessity is food.
And Food is protected, Articles like clothing are streamlines to white shirts and jeans trousers.  With books and bicycles, all  other frivolities will be in line with the need of the person .
But there will be no hoarding of money for it’s sake as either the money is spent or not it expires monthly, ensuring it’s spend and ensuing tax for the use of the government.
But since the money has a lid, the disinterestedness to hoard it will give the people a differed view towards life and open up a third way of thinking towards calm ,and peace of mind which will be reified with Buddhism.
Whose image are you peddling
The image of the economic man is foisted on the illusion that everyone can get rich but capitalism is  an exploitative form someone will definitely loose
The self made man, If we see ourselves as separate from nature then an exploitative ethic can be fostered more easier, Money can be solely blamed for the militarization of the civil society by corporation. People use formal languages, fences and cautions. And it has gone unevaluated. Nothing is as disabled as a rationality that know nothing beyond it’s concepts
Grace, poise, and poetry in the form of Yoga , Bicycles, Music player and the Bhavaghad Gita  in our secondary schools, teaching them beauty to espouse the wanderer man the initial plan happiness in motion = movement, Spirituality, transcendentalism and weightless living
A mind should be attuned to things beyond food and sex, trapped in the endless nightmare of sleep work and sleep, wash rinse and repeat
Determinate specificity  individuals to the highest degree poetic , transformation and re education of their inner nature for joust with the ideal and the aesthetics like Japan a unified ideology. Literature, for the docile lions are easily to control the appetites must be quelled and  sated with art.Without a cognizance of the sensible life no dominion can be secure, aesthetic is the sister of logic Absolutism must take generous accommodation for the sensual and sensibilities, if it does want to trigger a rebellion.
A strict taxation on cars above a Nissan micra, and a compulsorily quarterly check for health in tackling epidemics, and latent diseases. Social workers should be employed to check the sanitary level of houses, on a monthly basis, and give notification on dormant or suspicious houses where deviants and criminals might likely be hidden.
Children must be engaged compulsorily in one form of sport or the other and be regular in it, without which they can’t graduate, They must be taught permaculture agriculture as part of their curriculum and philosophy so they better know how to go govern themselves.
There must be a pairing in the education of the students In which the pupils grade will be tied to another student in a disparity of intellectual capability in order to foster cooperation and reduce alienation and elitism among students, to foster unity and learn to be their brother’s keeper in life.
teaching at the heart the leisure  the missing ethics and aesthetics can be addressed when we teach at the heart we create a society with a surfeit in, and transcaction with the affective. Role playing and playing house, must be taught in the house, as certain morals eludes us In the wake of destructive modernization. They must be made to plant a thousand trees at the age of 13 a quota that must be monitored and checked upon, they must be food trees, like ogbono, oranges and mango. To return the country from the evil of cash crop farming to food crop.
Teach horticulture and photography Teach them educating people with traditional songs and dance, which I we have lost our feminism and the grace of living. Schools should be used in the late afternoon and evenings for teaching Home economics for house wives is compulsory, with an attendance card that guarantee them their free health care
Every church must pay taxes for proffering a differed ideology and their structure must  not exceed a plot in each community
Business done on the approval of the government and will be on one’s affinity as long as they are sustainable and they will be supported by the governement who will therefore own the largest shareholder in the business and attain a stewardship to the owner wo accrues the profit and protects the capital,
We need to host an African party every year with the nation’s cup There is more than life’s endless and continuing in contrived strife.
Being foisted by the wrong food is one of the major ills of civilization and how it makes us hungered, weak, effeminate and dull. Killing us slow with the steady increae in blood sugar. We must eat the food of our forefather who never knew cancer and diabetes, we must eat beans and local fish, and vegetables. Promoting our local sweets and local foods. BabA dudu Sisi pelebe, Dankwa, Dabino Wean ourselves of the colonial consumer foods,rathe eat Beans,Unripe plantains,yam, millet, acha, Akidi, Achicha,and other locally sourced and nutritious food.
An android phone/tablet should be given to all the students containing all the criterion collection movies, the Vedas and sutra so they are made men and attune towards godhood, for those that have phones they should be given memory cards, with a media repository in all local governments. Ozu’s movies meliorates, The local TV stations should play his and other similar movies all year around  as a form of behavioral engineering. Ozu was able to culture the Japanese people with his movies, beer after work, singing together, nodding while talking to show approval and concur, with his cinematography of well arranged beauty.
To continue the utopia of the PLATARBEEN states: the children should be exposed to as many music, movies, and books for the left hemisphere, Bicycle, walking and sports for the right hemisphere. Literature to evince the sufferer and the self critic, embroiled in caution and wonder chasing beauty forever.
Community meetings should be done quarterly where issues on security and maintenance of amenities are discussed with a letter tended to the local chairman who receives fund from the government to fix, build and restore immediately.
The bulk of the government employ should be Teachers, Environmentalists, Farmers and care givers, there should be roosters in communities for those who will take care of the orphanage, visit the sick and the elderly, prisoners must be made to read sutras and vedas everyday for the duration of their sentences. Healthcare is important and a  PLATA card vetted by the monthly check of the social workers gives free healthcare to the citizens.
Can you see the clean green air, the freshness of the atmosphere, the echos of voices, the wind, and trees, in every house, the smell of boiled scent leaf and lemons conning from the kitchen, the cats purring in the rocking chair, the little boy drawing half asleep to the classical music on the radio,  Do you see how cheap paradise really is, now compare it to the world you see, the chaos and ask yourself, Is it really that hard to look back. Practical and usable in every part of the world, the consumption is the fulcrum curb it and the nature will open it’s hands of love to you once again, and it’s petal will spray that much longed healing into the air, reconnecting you to the lost Eden.
